Search results

  1. B

    Tiny little Hereford

    We have raised probably 20 bottle calves over the years and have never had a Hereford, but we purchased a sweet little calf last Spring and I'm in love. We named her Annie, however, feeding her like we have always done our bottle calves-she is TINY for being a year old in two weeks.....I'm...
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    Tapeworms/Why not treat?

    Hello!! So my new sheep we brought in have been in quarantine the last week, I noticed yesterday they have tapeworm segments in their feces. Came to the web to see which wormer was the best for this and saw that there is quite the debate on whether to treat or not to treat? I'm happy allowing...
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    Coccidia :(

    Okay so we brought in 3 new lambs to our herd, They are 3 months old, I've had them for 3 weeks. 5 days ago I noticed they had super wet, yucky bums with the worst kind of diarrhea. Took the worst one to the vet, it's Coccidia. Which in the 7 years of owning livestock this is the first time I...
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    Registered VS Unregistered

    Does it make a difference? :D
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    Tunis VS California Red

    I'm looking into the California Red sheep, and possibly Tunis. I was reading on another forum that some would never buy either of these breeds but never explained why. The thread ended with that one comment. Was curious, if you have experience with this breed of sheep, is there a reason for this...
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    Can you tell if a Ewe is pregnant w/o Ultra sound?

    Hi all! Long story short, we paid big money for a ram that was supposed to breed our girls to raise for 4h lambs for our friends and family. We put him in with our ewes mid September and took him out late October. Come November-we took a tractor to our barn to clean it out before the winter and...
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    Freemartin Ewe?

    Hello All!! Okay, last year we had a lamb, a ewe that we wanted to keep back, who ended up being very much a ram. She was actually both sexes and after doing some research it looks like when a ewe is part of a litter of two rams, the testosterone flush can cause this..... This morning, we had...
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    Mature Ewe Bag

    Hello all! I just signed up so I'm a total newb here..... I have a mature ewe who has lambed twice in her life, this would be her third. She is due April 7th. We had a young homeschool girl come in to scan her for pregnancy and she scanned not pregnant, but she is a very big ewe. With her due...