Whoo hoooo. Time for our first kidding thread.


Loving the herd life
Sep 13, 2013
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Morrow, Ohio
Better baby pictures in thr sunshine.

Well, we finally got Trixie babies on day 151. I did not think she'd go past 150 days and scheduled to take them for their health certificate today. (Ours expired 5 days before our last show. Grrrrr.) Anyway, she was normal so we took her along with our other 5 goats and 6 goat's for a friend in her trailer. Started looking like she was having contractions on the way home, so we changed plans and dropped our goats off, then her goats and trailer, then came home (15 min away). We got home, went to check on her expecting nothing since it had been maybe 45 minutes. Two feet!

So, moments later... two boys. I had to check the first one's position because she was having a bit of trouble and I was afraid his head was turned back, but I felt his nose and she pushed him out just fine. So, so far 4 boys, 0 girls. If we get her bred our grade Lamancha should kid in late September/October so maybe we can get at least ONE girl this year. My daughter is glad she bought a LaMancha doeling since she didn't get one of her own. LOL. She has 3 little brothers too, so she's surrounded by little boys. Poor girl.

Milked Trixie 3 hours after she kidded and babies had gotten milk and got almost 4 cups without milking her out- or even close. She is a DREAM to milk. Easier than the LaMancha that kidded in January and we've been milking twice a day. Of coarse, I've been milking the Nigee, so I'm a little easy to please at the moment.

Tonight is the first night separating Orchid's babies to milk her in the morning, so hopefully that goes well.

I LOVE them both! I am a little late here, but they are both so cute! Do they all have wattles? I love how the one has moonspots on one side and only like on the other, I would confuse him as 2 different goats sometimes. lol


True BYH Addict
Jul 16, 2012
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Florida- land of the endless parasites
Nigee babies are 8 weeks. 18 and 19lbs. The second born (Peepiceep) is bigger now, surprisingly, but the spotted first born(Reepicheep) is the boss! Peep has been sold as a wether to a great home. I deliver him next week. I've had several bites on Reep as a herd sire so I'm not making any decisions until his brother is gone.

LaManchas are 6 weeks. Pending deposit both sold as registered bucklings a farm in SC. They are 25 and 26 lbs.

They are all the most friendly dam raised babies I've ever seen. The one Lamancha crawled in my lap to sleep after he nursed when we got home from taking them to our petting zoo we did at church on the 26th.

It will be sad to see them go, but we are getting two baby Nigees from NC in June. That should help!


True BYH Addict
Jul 30, 2013
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North Texas
Baby goats grow up way too fast. I'm already looking over all our ND kids from spring kidding and thinking, where did my babies go?