Testosterone troubles


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
I usually don't have a problem getting my rams back into a group after I take them out from the ewes (taken out as late lambs are a problem to gain sufficient size in the mountainous area in which I live). Usually I confine them in the shed within various compartments (sturdy and high railings between) and let them get re-acquainted with the smell of each other for a day or two before opening the gates. There is usually a bit of mild head-butting to establish hierarchy, then all is well. Two ram lambs immediately showed signs of recognition and I allowed them out peacefully into the field, where they wander around like best buddies. One adult ram showed the need to impress upon the ram lamb of equal height that he was the boss,and now is happily curling up with him in another field next to the two ram lambs...I'm thinking they'll be fine together.

However....my huge ram,Goliath, usually a gentle giant, is proving tricky.In the shed he jumped an almost 5 foot high fence to start a nasty fight right away. Still a slave to his enormous appetite I persuaded him to leave with his favourite sweet biscuits and led him to a more distant pen.I decided to go back to the house for a coffee whilst considering a strategy, and came back to find water gushing from a broken mains pipe.....he had head-butted the water feeder so hard as to break it. He then 'set about' the race, knocking off the gate. Recruiting help, we shooed him into the field next to to the ram lambs. He scaled the fence and set off after the ram lambs with a demonic glint in his eyes.More sweet biscuits and I persuaded him to come out and down into a field away from other rams (but with the neighbour's ewes which he is taking a great interest in). Thankfully he still sees me as 'head ram' and isn't giving me grief..

What would others do? I don't want to get rid of him....he's a good ram and is just at the mercy of his raging hormones. Should I try him back in the shed next to the other rams (remembering that he has done damage there and can jump very high). Should I keep him alone in a field....difficult to find one far enough from other sheep. Should he go back in with the ewes?

I'm sure some of you would have had this problem and am interested to see how you dealt with it.
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Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I don't have sheep, and my goats are small...but... Once upon time I went to visit a friend with sheep. She was having the same problem and the only place that would hold her randy ram was her livestock trailer. And for introducing him to other rams, she just closed the center divider and introduced them that way. Don't know if that'll work for you, but sure hope you find something that will!


Herd Master
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you for your reply, frustratedearthmother, and congratulations on being Caption Contest Winner.

Goliath remains on his own for now,pacing around a field with high fences, still obviously feeling he has work to do.

I introduced my two ram lambs to the other two (adult ram and ram lamb) yesterday. A few half-hearted head butts and some token humping, pawing and treating the lambs like ewes by the big guy was followed by a ridiculous phase of posturing by Dave the adult ram. He backed up about 3 yards and then charged forwards with his head down as though he was about to kill the ram lambs (his sons as it happens),stopping just short of their faces and then strutting around them. He did this many times, clearly showing them who was the boss without any need for anyone to get hurt. Eventually I saw them feeding peacefully in a line with no blood shed.

However, Dave, though muscular, isn't that big whereas Goliath is a massive hunk of muscle and attitude. I think I will leave him where he is a while longer and try him with the others once his raging hormones have died down a bit. He will always be the boss due to his build.....just wishing he would use Dave's method of showing his status!