Quarintining new goat


Loving the herd life
Oct 3, 2011
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Ok so I have a new baby goat. the owner said her goats came from tested herds, but had not tested hers or had any proof to support her claim. I've had my herd tested for cae/johns etc and we are clear.

The new one is only 2 months old and I have her separated from my herd. I plan to wait a couple weeks to see if she develops any stress related issues, get used to us, and to grow bigger before testing her for cae/johnes. I'm going to check with the vet on the blood draw for testing.

I think she is too small to be with them now, but at some point I will move her down near them so they can sniff and see each other.

What do you guys do?
What do you watch for?
How long do you wait?


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Quarantine Procedure for New Animals ~ Goat

Quarantine procedure – preferred is 60 days isolation (30 days minimum)

Testing During Quarantine:

CAE ~ don’t test if under 6 months of age – may get inaccurate results

Medical Issues to Address During Quarantine:

Foot rot – may be wise to assume you purchased it and foot trim and foot soak
foot rot is a bacteria – it is not caused by damp conditions or lack of hoof care
it is solely transmitted animal to animal
most common disease in sheep
there are 20 sub types of foot rot – some much worse than others
foot rot does NOT live in the soil for years – that is a serious myth at most it is there a
couple of days
--foot soak: 10% Zinc Sulfate

Quarantine Drench – to help avoid introducing drug resistant worms
--isolate animals to barn, dry lot or a sacrifice pasture not used for other sheep
--use more than one dewormer class, one of which should be cydectin and the other
probably levamisole (Prohibit)
--manure sample worm egg counts should be negative prior to turnout with other animals
do sample 2-3 weeks after deworming
--release from quarantine onto YOUR INFECTED pastures you want the animal to pick up your non selected worms

Since you're dealing with a kid, start preventative treatment for coccidia