Am I being too sensitive?


Overrun with beasties
Jul 16, 2016
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Thanks guys. Me and my sisters grew up with a dad who threw chicken remains everywhere. Walk along a pathway to the garden you may step directly on a chicken´s head. We went barefoot a lot so something like this was less than pleasant. We were homeschooled as well so our friends literally WERE our animals! So this combined with the above has NOT helped in where I stand today! I have not always been a vegetarian however! After having suffered who knows what of the liver after a big Thanksgiving dinner and being layed up in bed for over a week hardly able to move or even get up to go to the bathroom...I quit with the meat! It has made a HUGE difference in the health of my liver! My 13 year old son made me my teas and liver cleansing drinks, gave me hot castor oil packs, changed my bed, and help me to the bathroom! I won´t go back there for all the meat in the world! The word liver itself comes from the word LIFE. No liver, no life.
I know we ALL must make our own choices. And not everyone has the traumas I have nor do we all suffer of liver problems. The earth is off balance in many ways and so some say a vegetarian diet isn´t suffiencent at this time to JUST eat vegetarian and get all the nutrients one needs. We can all only do the best that each of us can! I don´t expect everyone to be like me. I KNOW I am a bit jaded from my experiences!:confused: And admittedly YES probably over sensitive!:rant But its hard to change isn´t it?

YAHWEH grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Can't answer your Q about the reason for the doe's issues... but sure am glad that you found a good placement for your boys. :clap Personally? if it were me? I'd sell the dry doe and let the buyer know that she's only freshened once and delivered a stillborn with no success freshening since. Let her be a pet along with the wethers... just me...


Overrun with beasties
Jul 16, 2016
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They will be going for meat. Am selling lower than is normal price per live kilo to sell quickly. So whoever takes them will make a profit on them butchered at market. She wouldn´t end up being a pet...but meat.


True BYH Addict
Oct 14, 2015
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Blythewood, SC USA
@Dage - Just a thought. If you're selling at a loss anyway, and would like the little girl to have another shot (possibly just as a pet?) you could always try just giving her to someone. Not everyone who wants pet goats care about breedability (?is that even a word?). I know someone right now who just desperately wants a pet nigie. I don't know if you've thought about that or not, but it is another option for you. btw - I am very glad that you are being cautious about selling to someone who makes you uncomfortable. God gives us the gift of discernment to judge character, good from bad, and that voice that says "not this one" is usually His warning. I'm not saying he's a bad person, just maybe not the one to sell your boys to. Trust your gut is a pretty good byword.;)


Overrun with beasties
Jul 16, 2016
Reaction score
@Dage - Just a thought. If you're selling at a loss anyway, and would like the little girl to have another shot (possibly just as a pet?) you could always try just giving her to someone. Not everyone who wants pet goats care about breedability (?is that even a word?). I know someone right now who just desperately wants a pet nigie. I don't know if you've thought about that or not, but it is another option for you. btw - I am very glad that you are being cautious about selling to someone who makes you uncomfortable. God gives us the gift of discernment to judge character, good from bad, and that voice that says "not this one" is usually His warning. I'm not saying he's a bad person, just maybe not the one to sell your boys to. Trust your gut is a pretty good byword.;)

Thank you sadieml, I appreciate that! MY REALITY where I live is: pet goats are probably a huge rarity! Even dogs are treated with a bit of no real care. So when we found a home for the pitbull I was super happy! Dogs are kicked and fed table scraps and usually thin. A pet goat!? Naaah! That would be great, but I won´t live in a world of fantasy/illusion either. I live in South America BTW.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
As far as the doe, does she still come into heat and just not settle, or no heats? And if she does come into heat is it approximately every 18 days or does she short cycle?

I have one that did the same as yours but she comes into heat every fall every 18 days like clock work but she never gets pregnant. For mine, she probably had a low grade infection when she kidded as she had one kid that had died in utero which brought on early labor. But I was a new goat owner and didn't know any better and I did nothing. A year later the vet tried a uterine flush with oxcytetracycline but it didn't do any good. Vet said that after a year there is probably too much scar tissue and she will never settle. She is a dairy goat and she still comes back into milk every year about 5 months after her last heat of the year so she sticks around but I sure would love a kid from her.

Tell us more about your doe and I will give you some more ideas.


Overrun with beasties
Jul 16, 2016
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While I was trying to get her bred (yes she cycles regularly) I was giving her a bit of grain plus her vitamins, iodine, selenium etc. She would carry for about 3 months and then miscarry. I believe this has happened at least 3 times now if not more, I have lost count. After this last time, AND our move...I guess I am vering towards throwing in the towel. Her daddy, Gideon, was a big beautiful Nubian with a band across his middle and he died of a snake bite. She is my only remnant from him which is why I have held on... She tried to take over as queen and wouldn´t bring the herd home so we were left to the only thing I knew left to do so she couldn´t challenge Cookie (the queen) anymore. And that was removing her horns. But am getting sidetracked! She is Dage´s (my Saanen buck) favorite now as he lost his big love and she is regularly in heat. I am out of ideas. :thWhen she´s NOT on the vitamins and the extra grain she just keeps cycling non-stop every 18 days. However I had better luck with her and had high hopes when she had the vitamins and extra grain. After the stillborn birth she stayed by herself for a long while. She was NOT well. She ate little. Lay in the shade of the trees and whether she was with fever as was your and also depressed with the loss it´s hard to say. That was towards my beginnings and then and even now have not found a vet I can rely.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
When she aborts do you actually see a fetus or does she just come back into heat and that is how you know she aborted. There are many diseases that can cause abortions and if you actually get a fetus of some kind you may be able to send it to a lab for testing. It is also possible that she is deficient in uterine space and there is nothing you can do about that.

If she aborts (reabsorbs the fetus) in the first few weeks she may look and act pregnant for up to 3 months and then come back into heat. Something I read suggested trying a different buck as it may be a genetic incompatibility.


Overrun with beasties
Jul 16, 2016
Reaction score
I have never seen a fetus. She just starts to fill out and I am LIKE :celebrate and then its over...:th. We do have another buck and have thought to try him. But now with the drought, between having to tether the goats and the dry fields its like...what chance do I really have? A lady I know she is having the same problems with a doe of hers. However her doe has carried many many kids and the stillborn she had was not her first kid. She HAS changed bucks however so maybe it is factor.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I bet that your doe is aborting early on and just having a false pregnancy of sorts.
Here's the article I had bookmarked when researching my doe's problems. It can be feed related too.