Paris Has Begun Lamb Training


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Dadburned deer! :barnie They are hanging out on the pipeline, up close to the house, and driving Paris nuts. They show up about 6:00 PM and they are still around because Paris is still barking at 9:42 PM. :\ They even jump the fence to get into the horse pasture and for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Acorns aren't falling, it's too early. There are no tracks around the hay ring, the horses probably wouldn't share anyway. :lol:

Yesterday about 7:30 PM I eased out of the house and walked to the pipeline, opened the gate and jumped up a doe. She threw up her flag tail and trotted off. This would all be ok, except that I know when hunting season opens, they will leave and go hide. :th


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
That's a problem I don't have... sigh. The only deer we've seen close to us was the one that jumped in front of DH's new car the first time he drove it to work a couple years ago, lol. I've NEVER seen one in my pasture - too open I guess.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Not one, but TWO does stashed their fawns in the horse pasture behind the house. I use the term pasture loosely, because it is mostly wooded, lots of cover for a couple of fawns. The does have tormented Paris all summer with their presence. Oh well, at least their fawns were safe from predators.

We took 3 of the lambs to slaughter, leaving Paris 2 ewe lambs to guard. She has been awesome. I need to plant winter rye grass in the sheep pasture, so basically I'm going to dry lot them. I'm going to run a temporary fence from the back of their shelter to the corner of the back yard and close them off from the front pasture. I'll open the back yard gate and let Paris join Trip and the flock, leaving the gate open in case she wants to retreat to her "safe" place. I gotta get moving on this....having put it in print might motivate me....:lol:

Had to take her to the vet yesterday, her eye was swollen and weepy. The vet said it looked like she stuck a stick in her eye, but who knows. She gets eye drops 3 times a day. I bribe her with a slice of bread, it works. She loves bread and will suffer the eye drops to get the bread. Then she gets lots of hugs and love so the eye drops actually aren't so bad.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
I send my Border Collie into the field when I see deer getting too close to the house. I try to keep them leery of the dogs so they stay south of the house. The BC thinks they are something to herd so he pushes them out till I recall him. :)

I guess the deer think it's a wolf slinking up on them.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Well, we finally got the temporary fence ran from the sheep night pen to the back yard. we closed off the front pasture and I sowed 125 pounds of rye grass seed in it. I opened the back yard gate and Paris is transitioning to being out of the backyard. she is awesome with ALL the sheep. Trip stayed in for a few days, playing with her, then climbed the fence and is back to being a yard dog. We're fixing to run a hot wire to teach Mr Smarty Pants to stay where is put. LOL

Last night, both dogs were barking, so I went out to see what was up. Paris had a copperhead cornered up in some logs and one of the young ewes was trying to stick her nose up to the snake. I called DH on the phone and he came running with the yard rake. we soon had a dead copperhead. Paris continued to circle and stalk it, so we let her kill it again. pics coming soon, keeping 2 month old grand daughter and posting with one hand. LOL

Paris is spending more time with the sheep. She still needs the security of "her" backyard and has been returning to her wrecked out dog cave to sleep. I think last night might have been a turning point for her. I left before daylight this morning to go get the baby (Mom's first day back to work). When I got back, Paris was sleeping with the sheep in their shed. She ran back to the backyard to stand in the corner like she always does to welcome me back home. Goofy dog.