Search results

  1. T

    Late lambs

    Hi, back in early July I bought 8 dorper ewes from a guy that was selling off his flock. He had a total of 50 ewes and had placed the ram in with the flock march 15. With that date of introduction the lambs should have come in late august through late September. So far I've had one ewe lamb on...
  2. T

    Skin issue?

    I've treated her with permethrin to keep the flies at bay while it heals and sprayed some wound spray also. Can't remember the name of it though. I'm taking her to the sale barn tomorrow. I just hope they will allow her to enter with that issue on her back.
  3. T

    Skin issue?

    This is a very old ewe with be teeth left. I have been wanting to take her to sale barn for some time now as she is no use as a breeder anymore but she has this skin issue on her back. It is about a foot wide and 7 inches across and goes over her back. There is no hair/wool there and seems raw...
  4. T

    New member introduction

    Hi my name Tyler, I'm new to the forum. I have a small sheep flock of dorpers in Texas.