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  1. M

    Lame heavily pregnant momma goat

    Wish I could post pic!
  2. M

    Lame heavily pregnant momma goat

    No because she is due any day now and she is worried about driving her 45 min 1 way this close to kidding and she is huge!!
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    Lame heavily pregnant momma goat

    I was worried about digging to much but I didn't see foreign object and when I cut the top a bit it bled, no pus or anything . I have pics!
  4. M

    Lame heavily pregnant momma goat

    My friends goat which is due to kid any day now is lame.. She sent pics to see of I could tell if it is an absess but I have never had a goat with absess before so not sure. She said it is a harder lump, inside of heel.. I don't know how to post pics on here using iPod but if someone gives me...
  5. M

    does anyone feed

    Red Lake Earth Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite Supplement,? saw this today and was wondering about it. thanks
  6. M

    medicated feed / diarrhea ??

    i did end up treating everyone... my sick ones are the adults so far not the babies.. this evening everyone seemed to be up running and eating but it was dark so i couldnt see if there was any new icky back ends.
  7. M

    medicated feed / diarrhea ??

    i had planned on orally treating the ones w/ diarreah and giving everyone medicated feed for a bit... it sesms like always something lately,,sigh!
  8. M

    medicated feed / diarrhea ??

    yesterday I posted in the disease section cause I had a goat w/ very watery diarrhea.. I started treating for coccidiosis and pen g.. Today she is better, poo is still soft / slightly watery but loads better.. Today I noticed 1 possibly 2 more w/ diahhrea,, these are adults.. I am guessing...
  9. M

    goat throwing up

    did she get into something toxic?? u might need to charcoal her
  10. M

    diarrhea in adult goat

    well luckly mine is only a little nigerian dwarf.. As I was chasing her i was wishing she was my fainter she tries to run away but as soon as i give chase,,, down she goes!!! makes it easy to catch her!!
  11. M

    diarrhea in adult goat

    thanks she was perfect yesterday and she was wormed 2 months ago after she kidded so hopefully she will bo ok.. she isnt dehydrated yet so that is a good sign and she did run from me when she saw me coming yet again to do something to her
  12. M

    diarrhea in adult goat

    thanks everyone!!!! i gave her some pen g and since my sis is running late and I cant get a thermo til she gets here in a few hours I gave her banamine. it is going to be in the 90's toaday and I have at least 2 hours b4 she gets here and I figured better safe then sorry.. so I gave her sulmet...
  13. M

    diarrhea in adult goat

    her diarrhea is watery and green and you can tell she isnt feeling well.. I gave sulmet for coccidiosis just in case but prob isnt the cause. I am going to head out to get a thermo as soon as my sis get here but wont be for another 2 hours.. I have my nieces here and not enough room in truck for...
  14. M

    diarrhea in adult goat

    I have dealt w/ this in kids but this is my first case in an adult in my 6 plus years breeding... When i went to feed this am I noticed a heck of a mess in the barn. It took me a while to fig out which doe it was cause they all were running around eating grain like normal.. I finally figured out...
  15. M

    it's over

    I tried thinking back to see what I did right to get so manys girls.. Did i breed on a full moon,, second tue of the month,, what song was a humming but nope i got nothing,,,,lol.. would be nice to repeat!!!
  16. M

    it's over

    my last was born this morning and was the one I was sweating the most.. I wasnt planning on breeding my older girl and favorite cause the last 2 years she had kidding probs.. Well she got in w/ the buck but I didn't Lute her cause she acting like she was in season again when it was time to...
  17. M

    Nurse goats??????

    I took in 2 orphan 2 day old boys from another farm.. I was planning on bottle feeding but was having a hard time getting them to take the bottle.. I was sick the first night and didnt feel like fighting them so I put my milker in a headlock so they could nurse.. I did the same for the 2 feeds...
  18. M

    it's over

    Kidding season is officialy over,, no more baby goats this year!! Final tally,, GIRLS WIN,,, 15 girls,,,, 3 boys,,, 2 boys born as angels,, 1 boy passed 2 days after birth ( momma layed on it ) and 2 orphan boys that came from another farm.. I love kidding season but so happy when the stress of...
  19. M

    Eye Coloration (not sure if this is under the right forum)

    i have had a few kids have eyes the exact same but all go brown after a few weeks sorry... i would have given anything for my almost pure black kid to have blue eyes. Hers were identicle to your pic and now at 2 months they are brown.. her pale cream sister did get the blue eyes:/
  20. M

    dern bucks!

    boys c@n breed by 8 weeks,,lol