Search results

  1. Squirrelgirl88

    Split Teat/Teat Spur Questions

    We use our girls as pets and for milk. We don't show, never will. I don't care about registered or unregistered. We leased the buck last year, so not a problem on not using him again. My husband insisted we have ADGA registered so that the babies could be sold to offset the cost of our herd. I'm...
  2. Squirrelgirl88

    Split Teat/Teat Spur Questions

    I've checked with the breeder. NONE of the parents and grandparents had split teats. Should I worry about breeding her Mom again?
  3. Squirrelgirl88

    Split Teat/Teat Spur Questions

    So if you breed a Nigerian Doe with a teat spur is it a guarantee all of her babies will have also have it? Her Dam has two perfect teats. She has what I am thinking is a teat spur. Its not a full second teat, just a very small opening on one side of the normal orifice. Is she more likely to...
  4. Squirrelgirl88

    Central OH - Nigerian Dwarf Kids for Sale

    Bucklings Sold - Doe still available
  5. Squirrelgirl88

    Central OH - Nigerian Dwarf Kids for Sale

    If you ask my husband Canada is not out of the question. We once drove 2 hours just to have lunch. The only limitation we have is not owning passports!
  6. Squirrelgirl88

    Central OH - Nigerian Dwarf Kids for Sale

    We are willing to transport for an additional fee. Hubby loves a road trip!
  7. Squirrelgirl88

    Central OH - Nigerian Dwarf Kids for Sale

    ADGA Registered Doe from CAE/CL negative tested herd. Born 12/7/2014 Doeling $300.00 Can go as bottle baby or at weaning. Full ADGA pedigree available upon request.
  8. Squirrelgirl88

    Squirrelgirl88 - Double G Farm

    I have a broody hen! The timing couldn't be any better. I just ordered a few chicks online and they should arrive right about day 18-19 of her setting. I'm hoping to slip the chick right under her and skip the whole brooder process. We've leased a buck this year for our girls. Tried the whole...
  9. Squirrelgirl88

    Driveway Breeding.....ugh

    I wont go to a sales barn, so no problem there. I'm just frustrated that this seems to be so difficult. This is why we haven't had babies in two years.
  10. Squirrelgirl88

    Driveway Breeding.....ugh

    So we took one of our does to be bred today. Things went south quickly. First of all, she was so stressed from the transport that she was actually panting. I've never seen a goat pant before. The buck was interested, played nice, whispered in her ear, peed all over his face..... :sick She was...
  11. Squirrelgirl88

    Too pricey?

    I wouldn't bother. If the owner isn't motivated enough to register in the first place I would have doubts about the value of the goat. If papers are important I would look elsewhere.
  12. Squirrelgirl88

    How much do you sell eggs for?

    I read that you spend an average of $1.90 per dozen in feed and supplies. The eggs in the grocery are $2.00 so I sell mine for $2.50. I feel that is more than fair for large, brown, FRESH, free range eggs. And I deliver! Anyone that wants to pay less than that can eat the grocery store eggs...
  13. Squirrelgirl88

    Need ideas for things for goats to climb on.

    We have spools, and we bought a couple of kids "little tykes" play sets at yard sales. They are very sturdy and hold up well.
  14. Squirrelgirl88

    ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

    Sounds like you should put a sign on the house that says "Maternity Ward". :)
  15. Squirrelgirl88

    Squirrelgirl88 - Double G Farm

    Well, we've lost two hens in the past week. Both developed peritonitis, and we just couldn't bring them back. From all the research I did it seems we were fighting a losing battle. One hen prolapsed last year, and she was never 100% after that. Working on the garden already, garlic is up...
  16. Squirrelgirl88

    Save The House Sparrows

    I think the smashing/destroying of any nest should be outlawed. We have a robin that nests on our porch every year - twice a season. The poop gets on the deck, and you have to watch she doesn't fly over your head when you walk by. Guess what its worth it to see those little fluffs leave the nest...
  17. Squirrelgirl88

    Lyme Disease On The Rise

    My vet started offering a vaccine for Lyme disease this year. We vaccinated our pup right away. If only humans had a vaccine available. We also use topical treatment to deter the things in the first place.
  18. Squirrelgirl88

    2 day old pups lethargic

    Can they have B12? That's what we gave our goat kid.
  19. Squirrelgirl88

    Pesky Neighbor!!

    She's probably 40-50, and she lives next door to her brother - also a pest - so I don't think she's lonely. If this were a little old widow, I'd personally take the feed to her to give to the animals to make her happy. This is a well meaning woman who has no clue what damage could be done. I...
  20. Squirrelgirl88

    Pesky Neighbor!!

    Since this is the predator/pest area I thought I'd post this here. Last week my Hubby caught a neighbor feeding our chickens cracked corn. Let me add to this that she used to feed the wild deer-illegally-and we turned her in to the police. They told her to stop feeding them. She doesn't know we...