Devonviolet Acres


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
:wootWell! We did it!!! WE BOUGHT THE FARM! :celebrate :weee:weee:weee

It seemed that Mr. Murphy, and his law, did their darnedest But, we finally got the keys to the farm and drove out to "our farm" this evening.

We hit a snag earlier this week, regarding the funds for our down payment. After selling our condo in PA, we put the proceeds into our PA bank account, knowing it was safe until we needed it for our new farm in TX. I guess I was thinking we could just write a check, for the deposit. Well, I learned we needed to do a wire transfer to get the money to close in 2 days! Long story short, we pulled some strings and got the funds wired into our Texas bank, so we could get a cashier's check, which we did this morning.

We went to closing, signed and initialed all the loan papers and I pulled out the bank check, to pay our closing costs. I was shocked to realize that it was not signed, by the bank manager, so it was not valid! Well, of course the title company wouldn't accept an unsigned check! So, I got on the phone with my bank, and eventually they agreed to cancel the cashier's check and wire the funds. That took another 1-1/2 hours, but we finally got confirmation that the funds had been received by the bank at 5:00!! :woot

So we drove to our new farm, to feed and water the chicken, rooster and turkey hen they left for us. When we got there, the rooster and hen were pecking in the leaves (next to the fence, in their fenced area). The turkey was over by the coop. When she saw us getting out of the truck, I got the treat of my life! :D I wish I had a video of it! :pop She held her wings out from her body and came running full speed across their fenced area. It was so comical! She was actually HAPPY to see us! I guess the fact that I had a small bag of left over corn chips, from Chipotle, didn't have anything to do with it. :lol:


Here she is with the rooster and hen. The turkey lays eggs, although she is currently not laying. The hen is 3 years old and has stopped laying. The sellers didn't know the chicken's breed, but I'm guessing Rhode Island Red? Does anyone know the turkey's breed? Black Spanish?

Several of you know this, but for those of you who don't, we bought five acres with a 2 year old house



It has a shed (I'm calling it our temporary barn) I'm thinking for a possible future milking parlor. If not, DH can use it for his workshop.

It also has a leaky small metal shed - which needs some work, but would be good for storage, and a small loafing shed (some call it a run in shed).

Four of the five acres is densely wooded. So, our plan is to get some sturdy fence installed ASAP a, and buy some goats. We aren't sure which breed yet, but are looking for parasite resistance, and ability to tolerate the hot Texas Summers.

I have more photos, but when I try to upload photos, clicking on the "Upload a File" button opens the pop up window, but then when I click on the "Choose File" button, it causes the page to close and reload. So, I'm giving up for now. Maybe I can upload photos some other time. :th
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Lost in the flock
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
I would guess your turkey hen is a naragansett or possibly even a Broad Breasted Bronze.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I would guess your turkey hen is a naragansett or possibly even a Broad Breasted Bronze.
Thanks BrownSheep.

And thanks for your guess at what out turkey hen is. I looked at some photos of the Naragansett and the tail feathers do seem to match. However, I looked at the BROAD breasted Bronze, and that looks like it too. :hu

Here is a closeup of our girl. It doesn't show that the tail feathers have brown in them. But, they do, and you can just barely see it in this photo, back near her tail end.

Maybe this will help narrow it down . . . :hu


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
That is fantastic news!! I am so happy for you!! I have a few small purple sweet potatoes set aside for you. When you get moved in, drop me a PM with your mailing address and I'll send them to you. You can start vines from them for spring planting. I also have some green bean seeds for you.

I am so excited! What kind of wire are you going to put up? I am using horse wire with the 2"x4" squares. It is more expensive than the goat wire, but I like it that the small holes will keep everything in, even chickens!

I've been at our new place this week. I finally finished the 2nd coat of paint. I tore up vinyl floors and got the sub floors prepped for laying the pine floors. I am exhausted and have a head cold now. :he