Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Quotes Bay, QUOTES!!! Anyone just passing through would think you are the ones moving.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My grammar is generally pretty good. In my early 20’s it bothered me that I mangled language so badly, so I took English grammar classes at a Junior College. I made the highest grades in the class, and still sound like an ignorant redneck. But I write a lot better. Sometimes the redneck leaks out on the written word. LOL I can clean it up and speak intelligently when I want to, then slide back into my Texas drawl and slang.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Using "Texan" fools people into thinking you are not as good a negotiator!

DH's grammar is not the best. He wears his old raggedy T-shirt, worn jeans, and looks and sounds like he is uneducated while dickering. The person buying or selling thinks DH has no clue and they are home free when suddenly - WHAMMO - DH goes in for the kill and they are left wondering what happened! LOL


Laid the vinyl wood look planks in the entry Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Just have to run them along the front of the step and then install the edging , baseboards etc. I will do that this weekend. It looks so good I almost wish we were staying here - I would continue it throughout the laundry room. Note to Bay - I said "almost"! LOL Pix of t when it s finished.

Brought the left over vinyl wood look planks into the house to get them used to the indoor climate before I lay that floor this Saturday. It is cooler today and is expected to be cooler through the rest of the weekend. I am going to lay this floor crosswise over the laminate that is de-laminating, and will just move the furniture over as I lay it. No need to empty the room.

DD1 came over and got some of the furniture she decided she wanted from our storage shed. Then DD2 came over the next week and wanted her stuff. She is not too happy that her sister has beaten her to the other pieces, but as I said - you snooze - you lose. I have been after them for almost 6 month to take it and they always have excuses why they can't get it. Doofus did not drive his truck over to get their stuff ether, so DH had to load up all their stuff (half of it actually was all that would fit in our truck). I asked why they did not bring their own truck and she said "Oh, I thought you said Daddy would drive it over for us". :barnie No, dear. I did not say that. And they could have moved the other half of their stuff if Doofus had brought his own truck! Oh well, they are supposedly trying to rent a house in Big Bear. According to DD2 it is cheaper up there. I just need them to come back and get the rest of their belongings. Maybe in another 6 months . . . .

At least the old milking shed is almost cleared out. Now I can move the rabbit cages that I need to disassemble and package up (DH wants another rabbitry in Texas) in there and finish storing some of our other animal equipment. I need to clean out the rest of the shed and take down the overhead racks that everyone hits their heads on. The stuff that was stored there I already got rid of so . . . .

Moving right along.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Using "Texan" fools people into thinking you are not as good a negotiator!

DH's grammar is not the best. He wears his old raggedy T-shirt, worn jeans, and looks and sounds like he is uneducated while dickering. The person buying or selling thinks DH has no clue and they are home free when suddenly - WHAMMO - DH goes in for the kill and they are left wondering what happened! LOL


I call it Dumb Like A Fox. :lol:

Yes, you are moving right along. Sounds like you are making a LOT of progress.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Bruce: Just able to get back on here. DD2 and Doofus have moved to Big Bear and are working up there. They are trying to rent a place in the area. However, DD2 has to drive all the way back to the San Fernando Valley several times a week to pick up and return his baby since they now have some sort of joint custody arrangement. I prefer not to know since I love DD2 and hoe everything works out for her. :fl

We have now taken 2 dump trailer loads of stuff to the dump and are currently loading a 3rd load. The entry is almost finished, floor down, moldings installed, just have to caulk the moldings, patch the areas where we removed the door hinges, etc., and do the painting. The step turned out beautifully thanks to DS1 who is a genius at mitered angle cuts.

Sadly, the new vinyl floor in the office did not come out so well. Using the old vinyl plank that I had stored in the barn was not a good choice. Even using a vinyl floor adhesive to try to get it down did not work. I think the vinyl strips have warped. We threw out the vinyl, and I am now going to try to remove the adhesive with acetone. If it works, I will pull up the floor I have already laid and clean up the adhesive. If not, then we will pull out the entire floor including the laminate. DH wants to do that right now, but that will mean removing all the file cabinets, paperwork, computers, printers, etc., etc., and miles of tangled cords for all the electronics. :barnie If I can remove the adhesive with the acetone, I can just pull up the vinyl pieces and then relay another floor with new vinyl planking. I tried to be frugal and thrifty and it kicked me in the posterior!

The way I did it first, it would have worked beautifully, negating any need to remove everything from the room. I removed the all the paperwork and files fro DH's file cabinet and moved it into the room then laid that portion of the floor. After that side of the room was down, we moved the file cabinet back and started to move the other furniture over to continue working my way into the room. Unfortunately, after laying almost half the floor I realized that some pieces were not adhering, while other pieces were warped and crooked. Now if I remove the entire floor I will have a full half inch difference in floor height from the ceramic tiled hallway to the concrete subfloor. I can lay a ceramic tile floor but it will be expensive, and we don't want carpet in the office. After this experience with the laminate I really don't want to lay more of it in the house. It is also more labor intensive than self stick vinyl plank. If we do have to tear out the laminate it will not be hard since it is a "floating floor", and I can then lay the vinyl on the concrete. The problem rises in finding a reducer threshold, to bridge the half inch drop.

Anyway, another real estate agent will be coming out next week to talk to us about listing the house. There is no rush to sell anymore since I pulled the offer on the Texas property. The owner would not counter on our offer and the house was more than we wanted to pay with having spend a lot to add additional fencing, a carport, and barn. Also, DH wanted a larger pond.

This new real estate agent is Armenian, and is also a buyer for BBQ lambs. Apparently he and his brother like to buy 60 lb. lambs for family dinners and have trouble finding any. I told him he came to the right person for that. His brother also does business with several Arabian business people and they also like small lambs. Hopefully, I will be able to sell some of my lambs at about 2 months old and can then rebreed the ewes in a timely fashion. Now we are considering whether to take our time clearing everything up and moving some of our equipment to DS3's in Nipomo. Maybe get DS2 married off first. It will be easier to do that than trying to commute with a flock of sheep.

On the other hand, I am still waiting for 8040 to lamb. She has looked like a giant round inflated sheep for months now. I expected her to lamb 2 weeks ago, then a week ago, but no lambs. I have haltered her and checked her tail head and vulva just in case of problems. If the lamb is too large or several are tangled inside and the ewe can't deliver, she will sometimes stop labor altogether. Then after the lamb finally dies inside, no hormones tell her to push until the ewe goes septic and dies. I like to check them internally to make sure that the ewe is just not able to give birth but trying. However, in this case, she was tight and her tail head was not as loose as it should have been. Then I went back through my calendar and have a possible new date of this Friday. At this point I have stopped checking on her since she always looks like she is in labor but never is. You know how they look when they are so huge - uncomfortable and panting, then stopping and taking a deep breath, etc. All just to make a sheep granny upset. This ewe watches for me to come and peer at her - when I leave I am sure she is snickering with the other 2 ewes about how she has me worried!

Next we harnessed Lewis and turned him out with the flock to breed the yearling ewes. No marks on anyone for a week or so. Then DS1 noticed that the crayon was missing! :lol: Caught him and replaced the crayon. Used a hot temp crayon and the weather turned cool. Ooookaaay. Then he decided to mark a bred ewe. He was not marking her because she was not bred, she already has an udder! Apparently he was just being friendly. :rolleyes: Anyway, he has finally marked at least one of the yearlings.

Now we are not sure what is happening with our move. :hu BUT we are still cleaning out stuff and decluttering and getting rid of all the extra furniture, valuable items in our sheds (aka junk) and getting ready to move eventually.