Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good question. That took me on a search for the answer. I found all kinds of information, but not if killed or live vaccine. Then I found the Bar-Vac website, it even has a video on how to administer CD&T killed vaccine.

I found this site that specifically says that it is killed vaccine.

Thanks for making me take thought and doing my research.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Good question. That took me on a search for the answer. I found all kinds of information, but not if killed or live vaccine. Then I found the Bar-Vac website, it even has a video on how to administer CD&T killed vaccine.

I found this site that specifically says that it is killed vaccine.

Thanks for making me take thought and doing my research.
X2 on the thanks, when I read that question and realized I didnt know the answer........really felt like a dummy


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Clostridiums and Tetanus and Lepto are always killed virus. I didn't think when I asked that the CD&T was clostridium and tetanus. The modified live is the BVD, IBR, PI3, and other viruses..... mostly just cattle I guess. I think all we use on the Dall sheep is lepto, I don't often help with them as he tries to catch them when he has time on a Sunday morning.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Friday evening. Cloudy and cool, not real cold today, but chilly. Was 28 got up to 56 but cool and chilly due to being totally cloud covered.

Got the tire changed on the 2wd ranger so that is done.

Got a call and had to go up to one of the pastures. Had a cow that was supposed to be down. Owner said that the neighbor called, she saw a cow that looked like it couldn't get up. So he called me, and I went up. The cow had gotten in a little swale, and was facing downhill just enough that she couldn't get up. So I took the chain, and wrapped it around both her hind legs, and just pulled her hind end around a few feet so she was laying with all her feet more downhill. She was laying head up looking like a normal cow that was just laying there so that was good. Fed some grain, and she ate good. The other cows came down and gave them some too. It was getting dark, so I left and went back early the next morning and she was up. That was good; but she is one of 4 old cows there, I said okay.... need to get the panels here and get them out. They are slated to go to the sale, they are all OLD cows, no teeth, and we said when it was time to get them out, they were going to town. They all raised their calves and they have done pretty good, but did not let them go to a pasture with a bull, so they could not get bred back, because we did not think they would manage another winter.

So today, I got Caleb to come help me, got the panels from the little pasture where I had set them up to move those 3 heifers a couple weeks ago; we took them up to this pasture and got them all set up. I had gone by there and fed some grain the day after she was down, and all but her came down. She is the one that really would benefit from the grain, but is being very standoffish. They all came down today except her again. Caleb went up in the field and when he got fairly close, started her down in the direction of the pen. We figured if we got lucky and got them in we would load them up and move them to the barn. But after she went a little way, she turned around and started to challenge him. Stood there shaking her head at him and "calling his bluff". She'd go a few feet, then turn around towards him again. She is a bit unsteady on one hind leg.... I think she slipped the other day and that is how she went down. But she was being a total jerk, so I told him to not push her, and then he came back down. Of course all the others had to "take off" but then they headed right back to the pen and the grain and some hay I took up too, when we were outside the gate. I will go up there and feed them the next few days and hope that she will come down with them to try the grain. I certainly will not be going up in the field to walk her down, and won't take the 2wd up in the field unless it is sunny & dry..... this is when I like my little 4x4 ranger.

If I get them in the pen a couple times, with no threatening moves, then I will make arrangements to have someone on "standby" to bring the truck and trailer when I get them in again. They are used to one person so even with just the 2 of us today, they were all "heads up and ready to take off" cause it is a break in their "normal" routine. I don't really want to take the truck and trailer with me, as it will "look different" to them, and she is pretty skittish. And I think it would be smart to have 2 of us there to try to load in case she gets stupid.

Got all the samples from yesterdays herd, 200+ packed and sent UPS today. Got a 110 cow herd tomorrow afternoon (Sat) to test. Got one set up for next Thursday and have to call one other farmer tomorrow.

Chickens done at my sons this afternoon after we did the panels etc.

Tomorrow & Sunday are supposed to be sunny and nicer.... then rain coming in the first of the week.

Going in to figure out what I want to eat, then maybe finish folding and putting away the socks. Got a few more boxes to start putting some more books in. Got to get a plastic "tote" to pack some material in that I haven't used for sewing. It will keep cleaner and neater if I can get it in a container to pack away for now. I really am trying to make a dent in the mess here so that it will be "hobble on crutches" friendly..... for after the surgery.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, @Baymule that ungrateful cow would not come down to the pen when I called them and fed again today. I went by there on my way to test this afternoon. Tomorrow I will take a sq bale of hay too, as they ate the 1/2 bale I put in there yesterday. May have to ride up in the field, and see if I can "lay a trail" of some hay down towards the pen..... and maybe put some grain out in a trail too..... Maybe try to edge her down in that direction with the truck, as there is no way I am going to get out and try to walk her down if she cops an attitude. Maybe if she sees the bucket..... I may take a smaller 2 gal bucket and put grain in it for her partway down and see if she will go to the bucket and then maybe get the idea.....All the rest came down when I called and went in the pen. I didn't do anything to spook them, just stood at the gate for a few minutes and then left to go to work. It will take a few more days of this and they probably won't even notice if I am in the field outside the pen panels, rather than outside the other gate. I just kept talking to them so they are used to my voice too.

Got the testing done, and then went to Walmart on the way home as I wanted to pick up a few things and do a little "looking". Got kleenex and toilet paper, some groceries, cat food, found the discount shelves with bread and rolls and such and grabbed a couple of things that I can stick in the freezer. The last loaf of bread I bought went moldy before I got 1/2 way through it, as I don't eat alot unless I make a specific effort to eat it. I got some lunch meat that I seldom ever buy, but the roast beef looked pretty good, so got it and some swiss cheese and stuff for sandwiches, & didn't have bread for it. So got a package of "artisan" rolls for like $.85 for 6 or 8. And a pkg of 4 cherry turnovers for my son for 1.00. I looked for apple or blueberry but only cherry. I don't usually buy much but felt that it wasn't going to break the bank, and I won't waste a whole loaf and if one or 2 don't get eaten, the chickens will like them. I also got several "nice" Christmas cards to send out, they were somewhat expensive, but these will be for people that I don't give gifts to, so they will get a pretty card to put up on their wall or wherever.
Funny thing is, Walmart was pretty empty. I'll bet that there weren't 30 people in there by the time I left after 9 p.m.. I was really surprised that there weren't more shoppers. Maybe more are doing it online? Maybe everyone hit the "black Friday" stuff and aren't feeling a push to shop? It was kinda nice to just be able to look and not fight any crowd.

It was a nice and sunny day. Hit the mid 50's , from a low of about 28 again. Sun tomorrow, then rain on Mon and into Tues....mild temps in the 50's..... then clearing off and down in the LOW 20's and 40's days for Wed and Thurs..... Of course; the farm that is scheduled for Thursday morning...... is the coldest place to go test, right in the lowlands of the mountains..... Oh well.... Get them done now, again late January, then they will go until mid March. 200+ cows there unless they have dried off a bunch.

Gotta fill my chickens' waterer tomorrow, I noticed it was nearly empty this aft. Then they will probably drink most before it gets so cold in 2-3 days. Going to move the portable coop too so they have some "clean ground" with the rain coming. Will get my son's birds all done up good tomorrow too, so I don't have to be out in the rain on Monday.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
WalMart -- yep, slower that time of evening. Now, 4-6 it's like a bus stopped and dropped a couple loads! We see it with the food sampling. But, in my area it does pick up really late because we have a few "pack & ship" locations here, QVC, etc. I was shocked one night at how many were there just after midnight....I was shopping. LOL The markdown breads are great. Like you, don't eat a lot of breads but, do keep some in freezer. Eventually it goes to chickens, who love me for it.

Your weather shifts this way about a day later, so I'm on the prep & feed fill plan, to offset my own work schedule. Just no time to do some of this at before daybreak hours. Of course, I do not have the numbers you do to tend! Goats come for feed without much coaxing, unlike cattle. Plus, at much less body weight to challenge. LOL

Hope that old gal gets into the pen for you. Do you feel like she "knows" the ultimate result?? They've done their job but, it is still a little sad if they have been a favorite.....and I know you have a few that you let stay forever. We just do that sometimes, special ones happen.

Won't be long now before you and son switch roles between the "doer with limits and the recovering" I know the recover part is hard to look forward to but, results will be worth it. Hang in there!!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Mini Horses ; This old cow is a bought one, you think she would have been grateful enough to get out and on some green grass this year with the calf. Had her about 8 mos., maybe a year. Bought her as a bred for a good price. Yes, sometimes I think they "know" that their days are numbered. But for pete's sake, she would have gotten a bullet if I hadn't gone up and gotten her pulled around to where she could get up again..... a little gratitude would be nice LOL....
There have been a couple that I have let stay forever, and a few that I buried on purpose. Most that get buried are because I wasn't prudent and sold them for butcher when it was time, then they got down and lost the salvage value. I am not making light of people with their goats or sheep, we have sheep too, but there is alot more to bury, and more money loss, with a 8-1,000 lb cow than a 1-200 lb smaller ruminant. Just not good financial sense.

One of the cows at this pasture is mine. She raised a mediocre calf last time, when checked preg, we looked at her mouth and she has NO TEETH..... zero, zilch, none. So we let her have this calf and put her out here with these others where there was no chance she could get bred back so another excuse to keep another year. She's not a real pet, but friendly enough. Comes right when you call, and right into the pen, pushing a bit to get the feed in the bucket before I can get it spread in piles. I hate to ship her, but she is in very good condition this year and it is time for her to go. The calf is small but also nicer than last years. That's $3-500 that I really cannot afford to bury. And the value of the calf is about the same, due to it's smaller size. You have to be practical. I've buried several that got to live out their life here. There are a few more that will also live out their lives. I kept that hol x jer that had the tumors, a nurse cow, and she got to stay and got a few extra months because I gave her the shots to help ease the pressure from the tumors. I could have shipped her, and gotten a couple hundred, but just felt like I couldn't do it.

It was down to 23 last night, up to mid 40's now. Not supposed to get as cold for the next 2-3 nights, then PLUNGE down to the low 20's mid week. Sun is out but it is somewhat hazier, with clouds coming in later and some rain, although warmer in the 40's-50's. I am going up to my son's in a little bit, feed everything well so that I don't have to do them in the rain tomorrow, then do them Tuesday, and then see how the temp situation goes. Will have to do them every day during the colder days as the waters will freeze at night.