rachels.haven's Journal

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
We'll see. But the chance this still may not be the year we get to eat goat increased. I'm not sure I'm ready to make the jump into processing my own until someone can show me how from dispatch to breakdown.

Rachel, I just did that with one of our wethers, my neighbor helped and we got him done in about a hour...wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. ....


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I called a processor about 50 minutes away and they ARE processing so I booked the 4 standard wether and future wethers for Sept 3rd. They'll be smaller, but shouldn't be tough. This place is farther than 15 minutes and more expensive, but goat is still goat. I will consider doing any unsold Nigerian bucks/wethers myself, but I'd still want a gun for dispatch, and I'd have to reopen that debate with DH. Maybe I can get a captive bolt or similar and it would put him at ease. I have time there. Also, they are very nice bucklings. They may sell.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Don't do a captive bolt. It is not a guarantee the animal will be knocked out enough, and it takes some skill to make sure they hit the right spot. You've gone the whole route to get approved for owning a firearm. Get one before you can't get one in Mass at all. After what has happened here in Va with this stupid governor, anything can happen and Mass is a much more restrictive state ordinarily. You want the animal to die quickly and to be able to cut it's throat with complete bleed out. Can you handle if an animal is not dead and you are trying to cut it's throat as it comes back to awareness.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I won't do captive bolt then. I think I could handle killing it just by throating it but of course I'd rather not. I'd rather be humane, plus noise is a factor.
Several concerns on owning a fire arm here. My main one is as follows: The kids' doctors require you to disclose your firearm status. They write it down. It ends up in their state database. That makes me uncomfortable. They may not take away your guns, but give them any reason to take your kids and I'm sure they will. My kids are safe, healthy, stable, and happy. I wouldn't trust the state with them worth a goat duki.

My husband is mostly worried about his crazy kids somehow managing to get into it at any time of them living at home. He is also more center leaning in his views on politics (not left, not right) and I think he feels owning a gun will somehow push him right. BUT a gun is still just a tool though-a tool state agencies told me to get as they offer no protection for my children against their wild animals. It also, strangely enough, feels like caving to the wackadoodle lefters here to me. It's like they're saying, " don't want to be a good little indoor dwelling follower? Fine, be pushed into this box with other state declared "undesirables" so we can find ways to abuse you and tell you what to do better" which makes me realize why every farmer and sportsman around here that I've met seems sad and bitter. The state mistreats them by over taxing, loading them up with far too many laws they MUST follow or be punished, and not supporting them at all. But I digress.

So basically, it's complicated why we don't have a gun here. The simple of it is that I don't feel good about it here yet. We are licensed. When/ if the situation arises where we need one we will get one that day, if at all possible. Until then, I wield an ax handle from the ax collection the previous owner left. I may buy a baseball bat or keep my own small personal ax accessible. It's good for dispatching and inflicting major damage and not awkward but not too small. I keep it sharp.

Oddly enough, I'd feel more comfortable owning a gun in a place like TN, where I'm less likely to need one because the neighbors usually enjoy shooting or trapping or have simply already done the vermin dispatching because it's open season on vermin in general. The state is less hostile.

I can get my goats dispatched for me if I have to, no worries. Dwarves grow slowly anyway. I'd like them to be at least 50 lbs first, but I'd take 40. That may be more like 7-9 months rather than just a few. Saffron the lamancha's 9 or 10 week old wether is about 40-50 lbs NOW, for perspective. If the dwarves wethers reach weight by winter or early spring I could always book them then in the offseason when I see they're going to reach that point soon if I can't find someone to pay and do it for me. That slaughter house charges $40 to dispatch. I'd pay someone $40 to come to my house and dispatch one properly, or I'd be happy to bring them to the slaughter house and have them dispatch and bleed out and I can bring home and do the rest.
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
The kids doctor wants to know your gun status? That is way too scary. That is the perfect excuse to snatch your kids away from you. Wow. My first thought....you need to get the hell outa there!

On slaughter, it isn't hard. but with no gun to shoot them with, bludgeoning the poor things to death doesn't sound too attractive. Most slaughter places do a kill and chill, as you have found out. You need sharp knives and a meat grinder. A food saver and vacuum seal bags (on a roll) are the best way to pack the meat for the freezer.

Here is a link to the year we butchered 3 hogs. it was a good feeling to process our own meat.



Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Thank you for the link! No, the hammer stun option does not feel good to me either. So I've got my Dexter Russel butcher knives from my Muscovy days, the inlaws gave us a vacuum sealer and the stuff for sealing...I need a meat grinder then-in time. I'll look for a good one closer to the time of. And I will get out of here when I can.