CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Got the neighbor's grass cut this afternoon.... ;), don't have to deal with it for a bit....we ended up with almost 2" overnite and this morning, so didn't have to deal with too much dust...:cool:...Gabbie made up for staying in during the rain....when it stopped...:weee....she looks just like that when she is asking to go out, along with the high pitched sharp bark.....:lol:
20200708_155121_HDR.jpg.....she is resting from a romp and wasn't long before she was ready to go again...guess she was trying to take advantage before rain started again....🤣.....Joyce pulled up the grn beans today and probably won't be long for the maters either...
20200706_163619.jpg.....they are still producing and something is eating them green and knocking others to the ground...I saw a deer track close by, so I'm leaning towards that....we'll be better prepared next year and Joyce is ready to get started working on the area for a fall/winter garden....guess that won't take place until after the "get together" with Joyce and the girls in a week or two....I'm staying here on "Gabbie Watch" and away from the "hoopla"....:celebrate..I tend to get in "trouble" when around their spouses, we have "history".....:gig:gig....I'm just so horribly Terrible!! a few here can "testify" to....oh well, life goes on and shore ain't cryin' over "spillt milk" now, for shore....:thumbsup


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Hey Gabbie, it's me Trip. The grandkids were here for a whole week, then their parents came and spent two nights, it's been busy around here! Mom wouldn't let me on the laptop. That boom-boom night was awful. Mom and Dad let me in the house, I'm sorta ashamed that i was so scared. But that is over now. Us dogs enjoyed the kids being here, we got lots of attention and hugs.


True BYH Addict
Mar 31, 2020
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Eastern WA - USA
Just caught up on all of the adventure you enjoy! 💞

Our garden is just starting to go strong...I canned pickles yesterday and will be canning some tomatoes tonight! Our beans are also just starting to produce...we got our garden in a bit late this year, hopefully next year will be better. We will be planting our fall crops this weekend...more beans, carrots, radishes and probably something else, but that's more Dale's department...I just help! You guys should look into some landscape fabric for your garden, it makes keeping the weeds down so much easier and I don't know about you, but I prefer not to be completely indentured to my garden... 🙃

Our weather has been in the 80's, but will finally be up in the 90's for the next 15 days or so! Our heat is much drier than yours, but I seem to get plenty wet, just from all the sweat! Hope things cool down for you!


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
20200716_123047_HDR.jpg.....Hey everybody!!'s HOT here and I'm a bit embarrassed...ya see, I'm shedding my undercoat and my coat is just absolutely Horrible and when I ask about getting it professionally groomed, Pops just says No....they never understand Anything!!, today, Pops started talking about something he called cloning...cloming..or something like that....and I'm afraid he is making fun of me and I was is a pic of what Pops rubbed and scratched off me when we went outside....
20200716_152255.jpg.....I'm hoping that word doesn't mean they wanna get rid of me, cause it would break my heart if that happened...I know they're old, but they are really Fun to be around and I sure love to protect em....heck, even today....Pops was taking a nap and some of those "boomers" he calls em....showed up and the windows were rattlin'....well, I went running into the bedroom and jumped on the bed and commenced to Barking....of course I was standing between him and the window....and they never made it inside.....:celebrate.....Pops thanked me, but said "so much for a nap"....Moms hasn't been here for 2 days and I sure hope she is okay....I know she called Pops last night, cause she talked to me too....I sure could hear her, but couldn't pick up any scent at all....Pops says it will be a couple more days before she gets back....:fl....oh well, if anyone can help me with the meaning of that word I'd sure appreciate the help....take care and will be "Barking" at cha....:frow


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Not much has been going on around here....kinda quite with just Gabbie, Callie, and me...well, except when the storms roll thru, then it tends to get a bit noisy with the booms and barking.... :lol: ...DD3 has tested negative for the virus, so she has gotten over her case of it....the "gathering" wasn't canceled, so guess we will have to see how things go afterwards....:fl....sure not losing any sleep over it...🤣....too many other things to tend to....:)
I've had a few people ask me, none here from the forum, about what is taking place today and Bible, for those that may be interested I thought I'd share my answers with ya.....what is going on with the virus, riots, food scares, and such is Not contained in the prophetic books of The Holy Bible.
What about the "one world government or new world order"?...No, because that will not be seen until the 7yr period of Judgement begins.
Will ya know when that period does begin?...Most assuredly...there will be no doubt and you will witness it whether ya are alive on earth or, if you, personally, have not witnessed hasn't begun.
This is in accordence to The Holy Bible and if the scripture references are needed or wanted, just PM me and I will gladly share them with ya.......:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sure is Good to have Joyce back at home....she was sorely missed by all here...especially Gabbie.... :lol: .....seems they had a good visit and all made it back home safely....:thumbsup....have had several rnds of rain come thru, so grass and plants are "watered" for free....and have had enough breaks to get the grass mowed....ours and the neighbors....the maters are pretty well spent....
20200720_200244.jpg....they will probably get yanked out when Joyce catches her breath....she has some new ones to separate and prepare ground for....I believe some are angel trumpets and salvia, but not positive what all is there....she is like a "kid in the candy store".....🤣....I have to get out the sling blade and redo the area in the butterfly garden so she can work the ground to put them in....and put down a thick layer of mulch.....:)....I heard tonite that @frustratedearthmother , @Baymule , and @Jesusfreak101 may have some tropical moisture heading their way here shortly....hope ya don't get too much from it, but what ya can use and need....:fl....FEM I hope it stays North of ya, since ya don't need it as much.....:)

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