Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
How exciting that you two could meet in person and have a great visit. Only 4 hours apart, maybe an overnight stay is in the future and y’all could stay up all night taking each other’s heads off. LOL LOL


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sunday morning. It is a partly cloudy/hazy type of morning. Some sun but not bright. I am glad that I got the blankets and all done last evening and got them hung. Very light breeze so I am hoping that is will be enough to dry them more. I can always bring them in to dry more... drape them over the couch and whatever, if necessary. I will leave them out as long as it is "bright haze", and hope they dry more.
Got to go out and run more water on the peach trees, and water the rose bush. We are supposed to get rain, but they are not saying how much.... so it might be a lighter one although it looks better for Tuesday/Wednesday . But I am not going to count on it and if it does rain good, then no harm done. Not like they are going to get flooded out if we get more moisture.

I am going to get my butt in gear and get the truck unloaded while it is dry out there. Get some stuff off the porch and put in the carport. Then see what I want to get started with next. There is sooooo much to do....Knees are feeling yesterday but I am not one bit sorry. They will just have to ache today. I need to talk to Deb sometime. She will not be out next weekend, for Mother's day as she will go to her husbands' daughter's house, and the grandkids. We sorta planned to catch up today.

DS texted me back finally, and we are not doing the big herd until Thursday morning....:barnie:he:th:thHe can't do Monday, tomorrow, I can't do Tuesday, he has to go to the dr in Blacksburg Wed.....I have PT on Thursday but will call tomorrow and see if I can get it changed, or just cancelled.... Got to get them done. Geneva can't help me this week. Of course I had to resend the text with comments since he didn't answer me when I sent it Friday....

Guess I may wind up down the hill doing stuff tomorrow, and if landlord comes by just tell him that I had to alter my plans with the drs appts..... I sorta left it that I might be going up north, so he would get off my back and not be there hovering like he does... at the farm with no apparent activity but to sit in his truck or ride his utv up in the field... He shipped cattle on Friday, so not like he has to be in there for more than a cursory check on the water trough since there are no cattle locked in the lot. I will be so glad to be away from someone monitoring my coming and going... some days it just got on my last nerve. Oh well, it is about over.

Sun is a little brighter now, might get a bit of a break in the haziness and the stuff will get dry. That is great.
Have a nice day everyone...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Well, taking a break. Not that I got much done as the one knee has been aching more than normal. But, I did get the trees soaked again... just remembered I forgot the rose bush, I will take a 2 gallon pail of water out to it. Need to soak the peonies I bought. Since they have flower buds, and each is in their own pot, like maybe 3 gallon size I guess, I am not going to plant/disturb them until they are done flowering. But will have to water every couple days. I put them right out the back, off the deck, next to the ones I have in my tubs from the other house so won't be a big deal. Mine have a bunch of buds on them too.... they overwintered in the tubs real good.
It got sunnier and breezier as the day progressed so I just got the blankets and all off the line. They are so soft and fluffy from the constant breeze. But boy, did it kick my allergies up into high gear. Just took another pill and it will take about an hour or so to calm my eyes and nose down.

Anyone ever hear of using dandelion syrup for allergies? Talked to a girl yesterday at the swap, she had some there to try. They make it and boil it down...adding a sweetener of some sort I think, but it is very sweet and tastes good. She said that it works better than using local honey to get your allergies "tamed" and stop your symptoms. She said she is allergic to everything and when she tried this after a couple weeks she stopped all other allergy medicine and she no longer has reactions. It is a little bottle, but you only take a teaspoon a day... so for $5 I tried it. Took my first dose today. She said it also helps with arthritis pain and gout.... I have never researched dandelions for that, I know people make wine but since I don't drink wine.... and I do use honey but probably not as regular as I should..... so I am going to commit to taking this and see. If it even helps some this time of year that is wonderful. Can't see where it will hurt.

Everything else is sorta in slow motion. Did a few things but I am really just beat from the last couple of days with the moving and then the swap yesterday, and the allergies have been in high gear the past few days. Pollen counts are high with very little relief from the showers we have had. I am going to do some more piddling, get the desk cleaned/liquid "golded" off and get the desk drawers back in it. Then get the computer hutch thing cleaned off too and can move the computer and printer in there.

TSC local store , has their brand of the type dump cart I was looking at, in stock. Tomorrow I am going to go look at it.... and decide if I want the bigger one that is more, of course; because I will be going right through Danville Va on my way to the Dr in NC... and the Home Depot there has the bigger one made by Gorilla brand... I asked the other day when I picked up the chain saw and all that I ordered... and they do not ship from store to store or I would have gotten them to get it from Danville. 2 1/2 hours away I am not driving for just the dump cart.... but if I am going to be within a couple miles of the store on my way through.... yeah. It is bigger, but I have not seen the TSC one for the size and it might be big enough for what I want. I will go see it and then see the one at the Danville HD, and make a decision. Supposedly they have several in TSC here, so I can look at the one in Danville and make a decision if it is a better size to use. Then I could start with the wood chips to get them around some of the trees and the clothesline poles to make mowing easier.

Time to get some more done....
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We had one of those lawnmower dump trailers, don’t even remember where it came from. When we moved, BJ didn’t want to bring it but I insisted. His argument was that we didn’t have a riding lawnmower. We still don’t. LOL

Neighbor Robert rode up one afternoon to show us the almost new lawnmower his son in law had gifted him with. He said, “Look what WE have!” We have him the trailer and he uses it all the time. It’s a real handy thing to have. We borrow the lawnmower maybe twice a year, to knock down tall weeds. The rest of the time we just let the sheep out.

You will get a lot of use out of the trailer, it will be so useful to you. Look at both sizes, get the one you want, you’ll be so glad you have it.

I have made dandelion wine, jelly, tea and syrup(that was actually failed to set jelly). But I never heard of it being good for allergies. It stands to reason that it would be good for allergies. I’m interested to see if it gives you some relief. Dandelions have many health benefits. Be sure to let us know if it works for you!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Monday afternoon. Allergies have been really bad today. Headache to go along with them.... Warm, 70's , with some showers but not much rain like they had said. We would get a quick downpour for 2 minutes, then 20 drops, then nothing. Breezy but not strong.
Got my PT appt changed to Friday, which was lucky they had an opening, from Thursday since we will be doing the 500+ cow herd thurs morning. Got things ready for the trip to NC tomorrow. Instead of making a special trip to TSC today, I will go by there in the morning on my way to the Dr appt. It is at 1:30, not noon like I was thinking, so I can be at TSC at 8 and still have plenty of time to get there..... it is less than 4 hours normally. So It will give me 5 hours easy to deal with any extra traffic. Got the directions for the Home Depot on my way back, about a mile off the road I will be traveling....
Been doing some stuff, nothing that shows much but things that have to be done. Desk is cleaned and all and getting the drawers back in and things reorganized. I keep looking at things and trying to decide if I want to change things before I get too much done.
Spent some time talking to a friend that is contemplating retiring... 63 and she is starting to get tired of the company not enforcing the policies with some new hires. She does the office bookwork/medical billing and stuff.... Plus, she got bit by a tick several weeks ago, and they said it would be a month before they can do the test to tell if she has lyme disease. She has the headaches, body aches, extreme fatigue lately, and her diabetes has suddenly gone nuts and she is pretty strict about her diet and keeping it in control. Can't blame her about thinking about it.
Just a not very positive day overall...
Thinking I need to go make something to eat, wash my hair and a shower and into bed early....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your friend better have some form of insurance because she won’t be eligible for Medicare. Insurance could run her $1,000 or more a month. After I quit my job to care for my mom, I couldn’t afford insurance and paid the fine ($300) for not having insurance. Insurance would have cost me right at a thousand dollars a month with a TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR deductible. What the he// would THAT do me? So I waited on Medicare. LOL Your friend has health issues and might need to stick around until she is 65.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, @Baymule I've thought about the health care end of it for her....and will talk to her a little bit. She mentioned the possibility of being able to go on disability, which might qualify her for medicaid??? or even medicare if she is considered disabled? The symptoms of Lyme disease can be debilitating... on top of her diabetes..... but I will bring it up to her. I am thinking that if she were to file, it will be such a long wait she might just be better off to wait the 2 years... but if it is Lyme disease and she has alot of problems, then ...... her husband is a few years older so is eligible I think, so not like she can be covered under a policy from his work or anything. I think she was just venting a little too.... frustration at work.... and feeling so weak and fatigued and out of sorts and even worrying that she does have Lyme now.....
Insurance prices are totally ridiculous. The way to go is something like Liberty or another faith based plan., Medishare is one also. The one I had looked into was about $250 /month because I was overweight by their charts, but I did not have any other medical issues.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I don't know why they would not go on and actually treat her right off the bat, except that she did say she had a terrible reaction to anti-biotics the last time she took them. She has more health issues than I can imagine. She used to work with me at the mill and turns out she was allergic to the flour dust from grinding the wheat, and then she seemed to just keep adding to her problems. Then she had a lump under her jaw a few months ago, and they did a biopsy and it wasn't cancerous or anything but they then took it out.... so she has had some problems... I think the last time she got so mad at the pcp that she went to an "urgent care" place because the pcp is always after her for something or another and she is pretty conscientious about doing things right.

I just thought of something.... she got the dam@#@ covid shot.... 2 doses.... What if it is that????? I was surprised she got it but everyone there at work got it and they were all so "proud" of doing their part... she works at my PT office.... and when asked one day if I was going to get it I said definitely not.... the subject was dropped, but I think they didn't agree... no one else has said anything about problems.... but .......
I will have to mention to her that she needs to go back to the pcp and make a big deal about it as a possible reaction to that shot if the Lyme test comes back negative....sounds like alot of the problems I have read about....