rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Bailey had her yearly vet visit today (new vet). She was an easy load/unloader despite a little thunder from a passing storm and was a hit in the office as she was her usual very very social and cooperative self. She is fat though. Apparently she has gained 10 lbs since her last weigh in and is now 130 lbs. I guess we'll be going down to 2 or 3 cups of dog food/day instead of 4. She didn't want to stand for the whole visit and instead laid down on the floor, where she stayed until she was ready to get up because she was bigger than the techs. She needs to be more like 110 apparently. Aw well. You can't be awesome at everything, Bailey.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I splurged and got a Hoof Boss last week. It came and today I did 10 does' hooves very quickly on a whim with most of the time spent walking to and from the stand with the goats. Smells terrible though. Wear gloves when using a hoof grinder. Guess who decided she would just "be careful"? This dork. Seven doelings and the six bucks left.
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
We've found a 6 acre property with several barns and a decent pasture zoned agricultural reasonably close to my parents and DH's office if his remote job ever has to become normal again. It's over priced, but I think we're going to put in a reasonable offer. They have a tractor. My dad jokingly suggests we bargain for it. MOAR CAR THINGS...that I'd have to learn how to keep running on top of the house hold.

There are also a few 15+ acre hay field properties farther from the office and the parents and are cheaper, but that do not fit into my master plan of backup plans. It stings a little, but my backup/preemptive troubleshooting plans often save our butts and I'd like my/dh/the kids figurative future butts saved.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
@Bruce , no, the goats don't mind the noise. For the most part they are nice enough to trust me. We can work together. And I'm not sure I want a tractor yet. If we can afford it someday I can't shake the feeling that for my first one I should probably get one and a trailer that is under some kind of warranty even if I was just going to use it for hay moving and barn cleanouts.

@SA Farm , thank you. I hope so too. Honestly I thought this house was the closest to farming heaven (I drooled a lot over it), but it also has to be family heaven too and especially if Dh is working from home we need about one more room more space to be an office, and if he's not working from home it's about 10 minutes too far from the office for a guy with sight issues. My family went to go see it and wanted me to do it, but it doesn't exactly fit in with my plan to keep everyone else's needs met rather than just mine. I'm not going to link to the house we're considering. It's expensive and kind of pizza hut level log cabin ugly (no offense if that's your thing). I'm not sure we'll be able to get it anyway. The listing history shows the seller doing weird things with the price and the sellers' agent seems to be a bit hands off, maybe not wanting to deal with it. We might be dealing with a nut or a mass hole. We'll find our place eventually though. There are options out there.

This was one of them. It's still a tad far from both parents and work, but it's also a lovely place. My parents went to tour it for us. A little musty, a little dark, but very, very cool. A dream to live in. They have it set up decorated like a cracker barrel. My kids would love to trash that. :(

Prices right now make me glad the Groton place we had was over half paid off and sold high. Still, I'm the spouse that doesn't love spending the big money so I'm a little grumpy about what we will probably wind up paying. I'm so tired of looking for a place. We did this already a few months ago.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce , no, the goats don't mind the noise. For the most part they are nice enough to trust me. We can work together. And I'm not sure I want a tractor yet. If we can afford it someday I can't shake the feeling that for my first one I should probably get one and a trailer that is under some kind of warranty even if I was just going to use it for hay moving and barn cleanouts.

@SA Farm , thank you. I hope so too. Honestly I thought this house was the closest to farming heaven (I drooled a lot over it), but it also has to be family heaven too and especially if Dh is working from home we need about one more room more space to be an office, and if he's not working from home it's about 10 minutes too far from the office for a guy with sight issues. My family went to go see it and wanted me to do it, but it doesn't exactly fit in with my plan to keep everyone else's needs met rather than just mine. I'm not going to link to the house we're considering. It's expensive and kind of pizza hut level log cabin ugly (no offense if that's your thing). I'm not sure we'll be able to get it anyway. The listing history shows the seller doing weird things with the price and the sellers' agent seems to be a bit hands off, maybe not wanting to deal with it. We might be dealing with a nut or a mass hole. We'll find our place eventually though. There are options out there.

This was one of them. It's still a tad far from both parents and work, but it's also a lovely place. My parents went to tour it for us. A little musty, a little dark, but very, very cool. A dream to live in. They have it set up decorated like a cracker barrel. My kids would love to trash that. :(

Prices right now make me glad the Groton place we had was over half paid off and sold high. Still, I'm the spouse that doesn't love spending the big money so I'm a little grumpy about what we will probably wind up paying. I'm so tired of looking for a place. We did this already a few months ago.
I looked at the one you referenced that you said was a tad too far from parents and work and it's nice but not my style. Then out of curiosity, looked at a few others there on Zillow.... Had to laugh at the one log house that was 750,000 because looking at the pictures, the one bedroom showed a WALL full of shoes right in the bedroom.... WHO in the world needs that many shoes????? WAY TOO BIG A HOUSE for my taste, I like Log homes... but WOW on the shoes....
You will find what you want when it is time to find it... and in the meantime I know you are stressing there so I hope it is soon.....