Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Spent 5 hours doing "farming" ... got the air tank, took to the rake and filled tire... drove tractor up and hooked up the rake as DS had unhooked the tedder at his barn where it would be out of the way. Started raking and just got off the tractor about 5. I had packed the samples and dropped them off before getting the tractor and heading for the field.
Quit and came home and fed the chickens, got the brahma's in and will put the leghorns in the box in a little bit.
Then I watered the christmas/thanksgiving cactus's and moved the table back over top of them for the night... going to be time to bring them in and put in a room to get enough "dark" so they will set their buds... plus the cold.
Brought in the wandering jews in the hanging pots. The spider plants can manage some cold... not frost or anything... and tonight is supposed to be the chilliest for the time being. 40 maybe tonight. I will start watching it pretty close. If we do not get a frost with this colder snap, we NORMALLY will get several weeks of "indian summer" and nicer weather again. You can't change it so learn to work with it.

I did all the small fields... 2 big ones that he cut the "centers" at deb's and the 2 small ones there... down the road and the 4 small ones that are 2-3 acres each... and then to his barn...the 10 acres of orchard grass.. and got 2/3 of it raked. It was getting too much in shadows and I was tired. Knees were aching... I kept standing up and stretching them out.... I will finish the side of the field where the trees were shadowing it... if the breeze keeps up there won't be any dew again so it will be good to rake in the morning. I don't have any samples to pack or anything so will get up there earlier than this morning. Finish it up... and be done for another week when DS goes to Louisiana with the guys competing in the regional "roadeo".
Made a pot of cream of mushroom soup to eat... will get a couple of meals... just wanted something warm and simple. Going to take a chicken out of the freezer to thaw and cook for a few days worth of meals....
Put the battery charger on the truck again so that I can move it out some to finish unloading the boxes tomorrow... Hopefully DS will sell it to me once the explorer is gone. Since he has been the go between with the 2 different ones wanting it, I am hoping that he gets with the program now... I realize he will be gone for a couple of days... but I am not going to sit on this... they kept asking... now SH!T or get off the pot.
Time to go get the leghorns into the boxes for the night. They do seem to be quieting down a little... I really need to get going on this small coop for them....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Recipe for cream of mushroom soup?
Sorry everyone, it was canned. Not my expertise in making it from scratch. I usually add some plain canned mushroom pieces to add to it...
My talents are much more in the outside cattle line, not the kitchen cooking line...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Don't know why @Mini Horses was up at 1:45... or why the devil I am back up at 4:30.... I was tired and sore, got a shower and read a little and fell asleep. It was around 9 when I got into bed.... Woke up around 3:30 and ached all over... took a couple ibuprofen and now can't go back to sleep. GRRR:barnie

I never had this problem in my life until the last year or 2... maybe I am not tired enough to sleep? Need more exercise??? I did not take anything to relieve the aches when I went to bed as the shower had "soothed" the worst of the achiness... guess I should have and probably would have slept through more.
I will be tired and then not want to get up at 7 or 8.... Going to set the alarm for 7 and see if I can't get some more sleep until then.... make myself get up and get some things done and then hopefully will be able to sleep through on Sat eve (tonight).


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
7:30 a.m. Gave up on the sleep idea and am now going to stay up. Folded some clothes in the basket and will put away. Going to get dressed.
Didn't get as cold last night as it was the night before. So bringing in the wandering jew plants not needed. 48 this morning, already 52 and sun not even up.
Made a pkg of hot cocoa... okay when I have to... it's actually "mocha & dark chocolate"... tastes more coffee-ish. I don't have any coffee in the house since I don't drink it... these work. Not sweet like hot cocoa. Just wanted something hot and not a hot tea drinker.
Think I will go out in a bit and see if the battery on charge will start that truck and move it so I can finish unloading and stacking those boxes/stuff. Then it will be time to go finish raking the hay after the sun has been on it for a bit. See alot of clouds out there right now...

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Now you know -- not known why weird sleep patterns!! Strange that sleep isn't packaged as normal. Years of not "standard" sleep time? Add age? Add naps?

51 out and 64 in this morning. Left windows up a little....maybe a little too much!! Brrrrrr :oops:


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, caught the virus of not sleeping.....:idunno

Been sun and clouds. I went up and raked the rest of the hay and it got real cloudy, dark, then blew past. Went by deb's at 12:30 when I got done and no sign of DS. I did my jobs... not my problem now if it doesn't get baled. Not at the barn or anywhere else. I would help with the sq bales if he needed it but have no idea where he is.

Came home and got the truck moved and some of the boxes off. Got to move it more forward again. I did find out that I CAN KNEEL on the "gardeners" pad that I got... It is not 100 % wonderful, but it is bearable.:celebrate:yesss: I needed a drink so here I am. Going to make a sandwich and eat and then will go out and finish.
Put a gallon of tea out to steep on the table in the sun on the deck.

Breeze is nice, a little cool in the shade, but not enough to warrant long sleeves now. Wind chime sounds nice out there in the breeze.