Recent content by autumnprairie

  1. autumnprairie

    Pasture development

    What will you be feeding?
  2. autumnprairie

    Great to be here.

    Welcome from Arkansas if anyone hasn't warned you herd animals are addictive just like chickens.
  3. autumnprairie

    Meat Rabbits that aren't breeding HELP!!!!!!

    We are doing well thanks. Happy New Year to you as well. I miss being on here so who knows you may see me more of me.
  4. autumnprairie

    goat pasture questions

    Sun hemp is a good choice for feeding goats but they will be loving those weeds in the mean time. Are you mainly looking for crops that will feed goats? You could grown hay in one for the winter too they like crab grass hay
  5. autumnprairie

    Meat Rabbits that aren't breeding HELP!!!!!!

    What are their ages? It really depends on their environment and their age, young bucks can be a hit or miss, does can be finicky and not like the buck have any of your does ever had a litter?
  6. autumnprairie

    State a fact about the person above you

    Hey Chickie, lives in Alaska
  7. autumnprairie

    Sores on nose

    It looks to be all. I am going to head over there and take some pictures. Brownie also has kids born Jan 23 twins.
  8. autumnprairie

    Sores on nose

    Miss ya too!
  9. autumnprairie

    Sores on nose

    It is like a scaly wart and around the eyes looks dry I can take pictures tomorrow. Half my herd is at a friends with 3 acres
  10. autumnprairie

    Sores on nose

    I know it has been forever, is there anything I can do for sores on their noses? I wormed today and noticed sores around their noses. Do they need Antibiotics
  11. autumnprairie

    TB test site or just a sore?

    Have you called the vet back?
  12. autumnprairie

    Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

    She must be getting so big.
  13. autumnprairie

    Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

    I have taken a sabbatical from school. I am in PT for a back issues they scheduled a MRI in early March. The farm is good. I split my herd with a friend that has acreage. Goober and Brownie are huge on just pasture and mineral. Brownie had trips on January 27th we had to cull one it was born...
  14. autumnprairie

    Pearce Pastures: Where did I go?

    I was thinking the same thing about mine. :frow