
People keep telling me for years that I am a prepper...kinda felt embarrassed about that...

But I simply looked at it as an exciting way to learn to grow large gardens, orchards, and raise lots of livestock. It took 5+ years, but our place is now self sufficient, and if things got real bad, we would not have to go to the store for some years. We also enjoyed extended and advanced training with several types of weaponry. Now, with the COVID 19, I see so many people stressed and panicking, yet, I am kinda happy we prepped in reasonable, quality, and quantity ways.

No fear lives here.
March 17
Sacramento County
Current Herd Animal(s)


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    8 years with us!?! Who would have thought it possible?
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    4 years older and wiser too? Congrats on 4 years with us!
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