LocoYokel's kindling thread (aka What the ???)


Loving the herd life
Sep 23, 2016
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Northern NY
Checkered giants are beautiful! They are a lot of fun to watch being shown, because they are a running breed. Ella doesn't look too overweight, but definately keep her feed restricted. Obesity cam cause kindling complications. You should get some extra-big bunnies from this litter, but if you want them for meat, not the best. The giant breeds are innefficient for meat, since they are so darn big. She looks like she'll be a good momma!


Loving the herd life
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Went out to check baby bunz: Tilda's box is boiling, she has it almost full to the top with fur and straw and the whole thing looked like it was ready to bubble over. I wouldn't be surprised it those kits are out on the wire in the next day or two.
Ella is still in her nestbox, she is laying well forward so I hope she is not on her kits. I am not so worried about how cold it got last nite, now I am worried about her smothering them. She moved right into that nestbox as soon as it was in and used it for her own.

Should I put another box in for her? Or could that confuse her so she doesn't feed the kits? Has anyone else have a doe do this?

@DutchBunny03, This breeding was an experiment to see if she would even breed at her age and weight and if the buck was fertile. Guess that one came out a big YES! I might keep a doe to breed to my Silver Fox buck as I would like to keep a bit of size but was thinking more 1/4 giant, not 1/2, so in another two generations I should be close....

If not one thing then another: Life and Times of the Barn Mother!
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Loving the herd life
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Six and she didn't lose any. Way to go Ella! They made it thru the cold (35 F) night but she still hasn't pulled much fur. I think for now her sitting on them like a mother hen is probably a good thing. The hutches are in my chicken run so maybe she got confused...o_O
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This is how her nest looks when she is out of it, the kits seemed to be quite warm and active for such naked lil' things. I'll just keep close watch today and maybe figure out how to run a heat lamp out there in case I think they need it.


Loving the herd life
Feb 15, 2017
Reaction score
I know some people use dryer lint or fluffed out cotton balls when the doe dosnt pull enough fur. Our doe pulled extra this time so I saved some in a zip lock just in case she dosnt pull enough next time. Not sure about adding another box though... maybe put some extra hay in the corner for her to lay on?


Loving the herd life
Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
Northern NY
Yay!!! Thats a great first litter. Many first litters have complications, regardless of the rabbit's weight. Try brushing her. You can use the fur for her nest. Another box may confuse her, or cause her to abandon the kits, but you could give it a shot and moniter her behavior.
You may want to keep a doe and a buck, because limiting the gene pool too much could eventually cause defects or loss of productivity.


Loving the herd life
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Ella has finally pulled some more fur so I decided to give her an option to get out of the nest, hopefully she gets the hint! Her box is only a few inches high and hardly large enough for her big round bum. She will probably just rob the straw and pad the other...:th
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I tried to take pics of Tilda's kits today but they were not cooperating, however the runt was "King of the Kitpile". I am also SUPER excited about Ella's kits. Four whites, one spotted, and one red. Hoping that red one is a girl! :bow
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Loving the herd life
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
Wow time flies when you have pics to take! I am working on a remodel right now and between that and crappy weather the babies have made do just fine without me...:confused:
Tilda's are 4.5 weeks now and just beautiful colors. I know the second pic is blurry but what color would that be called? Very uniform blend of grey and brown. Is that chinchilla?
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Ella's, at 2.5 weeks, are almost as big as Tilda's median size. I am keeping the red?orange? and the broken and going to try to sell the whites as pets.
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Not sexed yet but hoping I don't have two bucks. I am not only out of practice but have never sexed kits much, mostly adults. Anybody have a great link, with pics? :ep
I bred Suki again today with my Silver Fox, Furnando. She was receptive so I am hoping this time...:fl This is her third try: First litter born on the wire and I was too late: Second, false pregnancy?
Speaking of which it is that magic 12th hour... time to go make my 'Nando happy for 3.2 seconds :lol:


Loving the herd life
Mar 4, 2017
Reaction score
Ah so cute! As far as sexing kits, it is best to wait until around 4 weeks. I have sexed at 2.5 weeks but it is much harder and mistakes can happen. I had one I wanted to keep this go around and checked a couple at 2.5 weeks and thought one was a boy and one was a girl, I checked them again at their 4 week weigh in, both bucks :( lol. I am only keeping does because I have no "room" for any more bucks. So for this litter I actually won't be keeping any, most are brokens and I have 3 brokens in my breeding rotation already.

So you should be good to check Tilda's kits now, and sexing them is the same as sexing older rabbits, just smaller machinery haha.


Loving the herd life
Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
North Idaho
I already need new glasses @HaloRabbits, and this "smaller machinery" has me eyes crossed and me jaws clenched...:barnie.
So after my last post I went and looked, came up with:
Largest blk: doe
Smaller blk: buck
Solid grey/blue?: buck
Grey/brown roan: doe
and the runt: I can only describe as light grey with white chrome, silver tips and black points. It has to be one of the most beautiful colored rabbits I have seen. It also seems to be a buck. As a runt I feel it may max out at 6-7 lbs. That was what his full sister runt from the previous litter hit at 6 months. Is that proper guesstamating?

I would really like to sell some as pets as well as meat breeders but the market here is flooded with meat rabbits, going for $10-$15 for a weaned kit. Proven breeders, if not registered are not much more. The specialty bunz, like the Holland Lops are getting $75 and up. I just don't have enuff hutches......

Perhaps my Nelson needs a lady friend: 20170415_030731_LLS.jpg (his dark and brooding come hither pic) we can go pet lionheads or cornish game rabbit? :idunno I do know that now he is an adult he is a stinky boy in the house. :sick Of course his cage sits right by my chair so that might not help. Any hints on small inside bunnies would be welcome, my only other house bun was an Angora/ English Lop cross and litter trained. That was before small inside dogs....

I am going to put my glasses on tomorrow and go violate some privacy again. After the last check I have only been handling to pet so Tilda's kits might not be so squirmy. Besides, we all need the practice :lol:

It is also time to try to sex Ella's batch. Looking for that little leaf or volcano, I mean how hard can it be, at least I know I have a 50% correct chance on each! Not bad odds for an ol' blind fart, uh farmer... :gig

As soon as I can get my phone/camera back from DH I will take some pics of that runt. :love He is just too purdy to eat, I hate it when that happens.

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