Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, went to home depot and got a tire plugging kit and got the puncture hole in the front tractor tire all plugged. First time I've ever done it and learned an important lesson. There were two lengths of plugs and I used a short one the first time around. When it finally slid into the hole it went ALL the way in so of course snapped off inside when I pulled the tool back out. The 2nd attempt with a long plug worked as the tool bottomed out BEFORE the entire plug disappeared inside the tire. Makes me wonder why they even bother with the shorter plugs... Maybe so folks like me can do what I did :confused:

Still have a little mowing in back to do to finish. Stopped and came on here when I needed to re-fuel and it was getting a little warm and I was getting a little hungry. Bought a small rubber bowl to put the goat minerals in and they now have those out free choice. They all had some when I put them out then snorted and went about their business. They've really settled in nicely and have become quite comfortable. I expect by next week I may be able to put them out on the anchors so they can veg/weed out... Also checked into CD&T toxin at TSC while there earlier. They have some so I'll pick that up next trip along with syringes and needles.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Up here in Mt Pleasant I had to close the BR window early this Am... Temp was down in the high 40s. Today got to mid 70s and just about perfect. Back at 60 right now, windows back open. Sitting here next to 2 open windows wearing shorts, flip flops and a long sleeve flannel shirt :lol: Supposed to be mid 80s tomorrow, then back to mid 70s and poss for severe T-storms (TORCON 3) and 90% chance of rain on Wed. I really enjoy spring time temps in spring :celebrate


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Today and yesterday are my last best chances to burn brush before the rains or dry grass season sets in.
The smell of burning oak hangs heavy in the morning air..


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
So did anyone here know that when you are sitting on a riding mower for any length of time, your T-shirt will "ride up" your back thus allowing the belt line of your pants in the back to form a "scoop"? As a side note, were you aware that cedar and juniper type trees tend to release their needles when the branches are "brushed" against? Consequently, when you are trying to mow underbrush under cedar trees (or juniper as you wish) with low hanging branches, as you push those branches up and over you, they spew needles that very handily fall right into that pants scoop I mentioned... Did you know that a butt load (literally) of needles in your pants makes for a very uncomfortable ride? :barnie Especially if you happen to go commando. :duc

I finally managed yesterday to finish the back pasture mowing and thus mowed a section I had never done before. It has a lot of trees and therefore is well shaded. It seems that poison ivy prefers that environment. As a kid, all I had to do was walk in the general area of poison ivy and I'd break out in those water pustules and itch like *ell for weeks! As a kid I well remember walking around stiff from dried calamine lotion cracking on my skin and the scabs leaking through it.

When riding a lawn tractor that is spewing large quantities of chopped up green material out the blade exhaust, there's no way to know exactly what's in the mix. And when mowing in windy conditions, each time you turn, you take the chance of all that wind blown material coating you. So this morning I have come to waking with many areas of those pustules popping up, some in most aggravating places that are virtually unreachable to scratch :he Going forward I think long sleeves, long pants, gloves and a dust mask will be the order of things...


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
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Wstrn Cent Florida
Might I add a belt with shirt tucked in?....sure am sorry ya are dealing with such irritating and uncomfortable conditions. The oil of the plant is what is the cause, and rubbing alcohol cuts the oil. There is a spray we get from WallyWorld called Ivy-Dry, it aids with the itching much more than calamine lotion. If you are contacted by the plant wipe the area first with the alcohol to remove the oil before using soap and water....they will just spread the oil and infect other areas. Try very hard to not pop the blisters, but if they are, then wipe with alcohol to stop the spreading. We like to scald the areas with really hot water in the shower, it feels really good like a deep scratch. Those prickly needles can be like splinters of the cedars, too. Shorts, flip-flops, and tank tops aren't in a farmer's wardrobe for a reason. Sure hope ya get more comfortable shortly, but will be a week or so.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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Oh noooo! I'm not allergic so I can't say I know how you feel. But, I watched my son suffer with it for years. Hope you get better soon!


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
ya need to get some of those old one piece mechanics coveralls to 'cover all' then you can go totally commando with out a care in the world. take bang for a walk on a leash and take her from tree to tree where the poison ivy is growing and let her eat her fill of it. next day milk her and drink the milk. gives a great immunity to the stuff. I use to get a horrible rash just thinking of it but after doing that I might get a bump or two but nothing like before, wise old woman in west Virginia told me about that better than 40 years ago. now we all know i'm a little strange but when I drank the milk I have to put chocolate in it because my mind knows it was going to taste funny, it doesn't but I still do the chocolate thing. just a side note, don't let bang give you kisses after her snack.
@greybeard you are exactly right about the tote cages. got mine from a guy on CL who was selling the complete thing and I called him and asked if he had any cages alone and bingo $10 later I was the proud owner of said cage. doesn't work worth a darn for horned goats but for my hornless ladies it works like a charm.
and @Latestarter I have news of miss spot the pig. the gentlemen down the hill, back in the woods where she ran to said he has pictures of her with a group of wild hogs on one of his game cams so at least we know she is alive and well. he traps wild hogs from time to time and is going to see if he can't get her in with the group. what you willing to pay for ransom?:lol:
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