Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Good, I guess. We just took the 3 jrs and the two bucks were basically to "fill in the numbers". We know the bucks can't compete but at least it allows someone to get their leg, which is nice considering there really isn't a lot of buck shows.

Lemon was 1st under Judge Ed. No grand or reserve though. GW said some really nice goats are there. Not huge classes but what is there is nice.
I am not getting many updates as GW and Lil Bit are helping others show their goats, and my DH ended up being secretary. The shows finished up early and apparently the goats screamed all night so no one got any sleep. I just got a text that said, show finished early- going to bed!:D

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Just finishing up milking and feeding babies! :th

They got home right when I was going to start milking but after the goats were unloaded, we had to hear all about the show! :D

First- Lemon did well however she did not get her dry leg.
1st place Youth and Reserve Champion.
1st place youth, and rings 2,3,4

GW and Little Bit had some time to talk to one of the judges after the show was over. Very encouraging and I learned something interesting. GW knew but I didn't.
The judge said that what hurt Lemon was that because she was so far along she was loosening ligaments and weak on the pasterns while she walked. He said she is a beautiful doe.
Bottom line she was beat by some beautiful goats for Grand, and Reserve in the end. So not complaining- Reserve Champion is good too.

There was a funny story about pregnant goats if GW chooses to share.

Little Bit won a raffle for a beautiful piece of pottery from Buck Run pottery!

They always have fun but this show seems like they just had the best time. Our conversation was far less about the goats than all the other fun stuff.
Little Bit is a hoot! I get a kick out of my daughter! She was determined about a few things and I will share more on that in a week or so. But she sure is excited!

Wings & Caprines Lemon Chiffon Reserve Grand Champion.JPG


Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Rain, rain, and again, more rain! It is so saturated and some areas I literally had to shovel mud away today. The girls are sick of rain too. We lost about 300# of hay- we have had to keep everything covered and with the moisture some molded/mildewed. I could cry. Hay is hard to find right now and it is costly.

We are making our list now. We are reducing the herd significantly. I have a peace about it and know it is best for the goats, best for us and moving is hard enough, better to do it with far fewer animals. We haven't found a place yet but feel it is one of the things we need to do to prepare. Been cleaning out the storage attic, eventually we will get to the warehouse. So much to do.

On another note...

What a difference in hand milking and machine. Since our girls are so use to hand milking we always have a drop after several days of machine... it is what it is. Of course we have test this week. Have to do it before next show which is this weekend.
After milking by machine last night- (Sunday night)
[Because they got in late we did some by hand and some by machine to make it go faster]
Ruby was on machine - I'd finished up and was getting ready to go to the next goat while she finished eating... it was maybe 2 minutes and GW looks at Ruby and decides to see what more she could get out. 2# MORE! Seriously! that is a lot of milk! Ruby has been doing 10#.

Jane I pretty much left her kids on her because I could LOL- 3 days of machine milking has a big impact. Oh well.
Tonight GW calls me out and says look at Jane's udder. it was an 8 1/2 hour fill. WOW! Here I was concerned because the 3 days I never really saw much fill on Jane.
Pretty happy with her fill and udder.
Sorry about the pics, the flash was acting weird so one pic is with one camera the other with my phone.

We kept Jane's kids (minis) We bred her to Isaac this year. We will be selling Jane after her completion of her 8 tests or 305 days... not sure which one yet. We will see.
She kidded so late this year it means keeping her til 2019. At that point I may as well re breed her in Sept?Oct? for her to kid. That's down the road so we will see. Right now she is milking great.
Wings & Caprines Jane Eyre 2YO (1).JPG
Wings & Caprines Jane Eyre 2YO (2).JPG

Had to get a pic of Carolina Girl, of course she thought when she saw me I was bringing food out so I didn't get the shot I wanted. She has lost her baby look and she looks all grown up now. She is due in June 8th. Leah is behind her.

Foxy finally took and she is due June 2
Love my Foxy. I am a bit sad but GW is going to sell her after kidding. She is such a nice doe but hates showing and kinda likes to be left alone. Foxy likes to come up and stand by you, it is her "way" she doesn't like being petted all the time or kissed on or "loved" like we like our goats to be. I will miss her. ALOT.:(:(:(

I feel like if we were already moved Foxy would stay with us. GW knows how much I love her. She isn't my goat though, and GW needs to do what is best for her herd. I am trying to remove some of the emotional attachments and think of what is best for the goats as well as us.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
Nah, take Foxy, she needs a nice home with trusted owners.

I’d make a trip down and bring almost all of them that she’s selling home if I could. Unfortunately, that’s not in the budget and I won’t ask her to hold anything through until I can get down there.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
You guys are moving ?
I missed something
Where are you moving to?

We are preparing- right now we are getting the house ready, cleaning out buildings etc. We are going to reduce in a major way. Too many animals to try to build for and move. I will be selling most of my minis which I am so very not happy about, keeping a few. We need more space and with all this rain and flooding... it is the best thing to do. So I guess you could say we are more in the "active" stage. I imagine it will be minimum of 6 months just for prepping house etc. I am definitely not in a rush with the goats.