Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
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S Indiana
Update on DD2: spending our day in Louisville is always a nightmare. Today was even worse!! I was the only adult with a 3 yr old, traffic was horrible (I text DH at one point when we were at a standstill that I needed a Xanax from all the city drivers!), we were going to a new building: had to figure out where to park (ended up in a parking garage that seemed affiliated), had to figure out which floor had a pedway to the medical offices, that building wasn’t the one I needed (come to find out it’s connected by another pedway and is directly BEHIND the building that I entered despite having an address for that street!) Less than enthusiastic receptionist pointed us in the direction to check in with five minutes to spare-glad I allow for extra time! Got registered, waited our turn, had her renal (bladder and kidneys) ultrasound. Headed for her urodynamics (checks bladder pressure and spasms) and thought it was in the new office-nope, back down the elevators to the first building and another elevator ride to be told that we were late and they wouldn’t do her test. Wait, what?! Turns out both were scheduled at 9 but I wasn’t aware of that and was only told to go to ultrasound then urodynamics! I basically said that it was my fault, that it was a scheduling issue, that we were supposed to see the dr after, and that we live too far away to just come back another time for that test. They decided to do it. In the meantime, it was announced that the urologist appt was for 1:15. We were done with the tests by 10:15. We had three hours to waste just the two of us in a medical facility because of scheduling errors! Ugh! Come to find out, the first building had a Panera so we went down to get DD2 a cookie for being so cooperative. She took her time eating on that and people watching. While in the lobby we checked out the indoor waterfall too then took an elevator ride up and looked out over the lobby from the glass. Then back to the children’s building to wait near the less than enthusiastic receptionist. I plugged my phone in and let DD2 crawl around on some different benches and stools. Since she can’t walk, she was really ready to move around after all of her tests and being stuck in her stroller! We read some books that I’d taken and she talked about squeaking shoes of different people that walked through and even got upset because another little girl got too far from her parents. Ended up checking in for our appt about an hour early to be told that we wouldn’t be called back until appt time, if then, and to go get some lunch. I said that we had already done that and we were just looking for another area to wait in and may as well check in. She ended up having papers for me to fill out and had to have new copies of my insurance card and drivers license. Took care of all of that to have the urology nurse come out apologizing for the scheduling issues and explaining that she felt that it was unacceptable and when the office manager got back from vacation, that it would be dealt with. We were called back not much later, waited in the room for about 5 mins for the dr and got great news! The ultrasound showed no bladder wall thickening or dilitation of her ureters (both things expected with her condition) and the urodynamics showed absolutely no spasms and a good volume. He decided to take her off of her oxybutynin (medicine that relaxes the bladder to minimize spasms that cause urine to flow back up the ureters and cause a kidney issue known as reflux, horrible side effects are relaxing the intestines so more constipation problems, flushing episodes, no sweating, and sun/heat sensitivity.) Needless to say, this is huge!!! We’d been adjusting her dose and she was sub therapeutic anyway but with the weight she had gained, it wasn’t enough to do much other than cause side effects. She goes back in 6 months for another ultrasound and will have a vcug (special ultrasound with due to see if her ureters are allowing urine to backflow to the kidneys.) This will tell us if she is tolerating being off the medicine or not. Now on to next week’s MRI with sedation and my scope and my grandma’s knee replacement! Shew!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
So what are you doing for excitement tomorrow? Maybe a 12 hour nap??

Glad you got good news even though the whole ordeal was a fiasco. I think city drivers are the worst, always in a rush to get ahead of someone thinking they can somehow get to the next red light faster and that will somehow get them where they are going SO much more quickly. Stupid and dangerous.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
After we got back to town, DD2 and I picked up her siblings from their various places and headed home. DH and FIL has started square baling. Bales had been dropped on the ground and we were loading them on a wagon. I almost overheated! Had to get in the truck and relax...twice!

DH doesn’t normally stack (someone else does and he throws onto the wagon or pulls off the chute) and had to drive through an area of the creek not far from the ledge where Otis fell. This is like an S curve on an incline of uneven rock ledges with a dually truck pulling a hay wagon. Needless to say, we lost a few bales. That wagon got parked and started on the hay field. They pulled the wagon behind the baler for this and DH’s brother arrived to help. I took everyone a cold drink, monitored kids, ordered pizza, and drove DH’s brother’s truck down to load the bales that fell with my MIL’s help. I got all but 3 of 30 on. The last ones were heavier and I don’t have the upper body strenth to throw them on a raised truck bed that’s already stacked 3-4 high. We ended up doing 425 square bales. I finished chores and helped DD1 with her homework. I was lucky to grab a few random pics for y’all.

The wagon that the left rear corner fell off.
They ended up unloading this into the loft since it was quite dry and just stacked loosely. The wagon ended up with another 125 bales stacked on it and parked in the shop. (There are two bales that run perpendicular down the middle to the bales on the outsides. Typically they only do one is what seemed to be the problem.)

This is my stacking job in the truck. I got yelled at for getting hot again.

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
So what are you doing for excitement tomorrow? Maybe a 12 hour nap??

Glad you got good news even though the whole ordeal was a fiasco. I think city drivers are the worst, always in a rush to get ahead of someone thinking they can somehow get to the next red light faster and that will somehow get them where they are going SO much more quickly. Stupid and dangerous.

Tomorrow DD2 has physical therapy, DD1 has school, I’ll knock out some housework, and there just might be a surprise in the works. I’m off Saturday too so we are hoping to put a dent in our to-do list!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
So glad to hear of the good news regarding DD! That is fabulous! So all that nastiness with the drive and scheduling was worth it in the end. When do you get a break? Time to sleep? Rest even? :bow


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Geeze Louise - after reading that I need a 12 hour nap! Do you wear a cape? Cuz you are definitely superwoman!

Hay stacked for the winter makes me feel wealthy. You did a great job on the hay, as did the rest of the family.

What a nightmare of a day at the Dr's office with the scheduling screw up. And then got good news! :thumbsup

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Does your hospital have clinic?
Back in the day there was SB clinic. Everything was done, all assessments and routine monitoring. Clinic was great in the fact all was done, no running around, pretty much everything in the same place and because it was clinic and so many things going on everyone just flipped from room to room getting tests done. The fact that all the families there had children with SB. It was a good way to see what was happening and working for different families. Just curious if they still do that.

With my daughter, we had clinic too. Not as long and less testing unless a surgical procedure was being done. I also got to see what I didn't like about the management.
I am sure you can imagine I had lots of words for the docs. Well, you already know. :D

I am so glad to hear the good news! Does she have her new braces yet?

Yay for getting hay up!