Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Whoa, I didn't have to back off because I never stalked him. :hu
Reads kinda like the lawyer who asks "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
You gave the right answer, can't get trapped into it as a yes/no question.

You know we all :love you Joe! Any progress on the goat mansion roof?


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
As of this afternoon, the mud in the pen still isn't "solid" enough to want to work on a ladder in it. Thinking tomorrow morning after I get done with chores, I'll return the bad panel and get a replacement. More rain supposed to be moving in tomorrow evening and I'm into my last bale of hay. So at some point tomorrow, I really need to get in contact with my hay guy, hope he has some, and hope I can get it tomorrow afternoon. Rain is forecast through Saturday and I just gave a new full bale to the boys and am 1/2 way through the last one left, for the girls. I'll run out before Saturday and don't want to transport hay in the bed of the pickup in the rain.

If I can get those two things accomplished in time, I'll most likely try to get the roof finished late tomorrow afternoon. It shouldn't take all that long as I only have like 4 panels left to put up. It's going to be a little tricky however as that's the end where the shack is the highest off the ground. I hope my 8' ladder is stable enough for me to be 2nd step from the top, and leaning way out over the roof to reach the screw placements.

All the goats are now using the shelter. I snuck out there this afternoon... it's difficult to do as the chain on the metal gate makes noise, and the dogs of course alert when I go out, which alerts the goats. I managed to get into the pasture without them knowing and they were all crashed (serious siesta!) inside the shelter :clap I had brought them a bowl of mixed cereal treats :) I dropped them in a line along the outside of the cattle panels and then called and woke them up. They came cascading out of the shelter and none took the time to go around the pen to get to the snacks outside the fence (as I'd hoped) and all just stuck their heads through the cattle panel and started scarfing it down. Much better as there's less fighting and butting and stomping 1/2 the cereal into the ground trying to "own all of it".;) Everyone has their head through a slot and gets what's under their noses. :thumbsup


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
you could always get a camera or two set up ;). They work awesome for kidding time as I can keep an eye on everyone especially if I'm working at a unit.
I've been considering installing some 12 volt dc lighting inside and rigging it up to a car battery. I'd also install a small solar charging panel to keep the battery charged. If I did that, I imagine I could add a camera or two to the mix and not kill the battery. Will have to wait till next year though.

Couldn't sleep this morning cause I became a mouth breather. Really wish I didn't have sinus issues. point being Bay, I haven't started animal chores yet and will after this post. Looking outside it's solid overcast and certainly looks very threatening for rain long before tonight. I can't stack wet hay inside my outbldg and risk a fire. :( I'm sure the goats appreciate not having to get down and crawl under the floor :lol: They'll like it even more I'm sure when I get the roof finished and the rest of the walls closed in. o_O


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I haven't started animal chores either, although I did walk outside to lay eyes on Ewenique to see if she was still fat and full of lambs, she was. We've been sick, we are better, but still dragging and have little to none ambition. Blech.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
By the time you buy a battery, solar collector panel, controller, and light, and mount hardware, you can buy a factory built 12V solar powered light with battery all in one unit and just tap off the battery leads of it to run the camera. I've had one on a 10' pole at the pond now for about 3 years. Got tired of bugs & cows triggering it tho, and bypassed the motion detector and wired in a manual switch.

I just looked at Lowes and Home Depot websites. I gave over $125 for mine 3 years ago at Lowes (maybe even 4 years) and the prices have come WAY down since that time. At least reduced by 1/2.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Wish I was till in my PJs, just not sick like ya'll.

Already out of house at 6:30, DGD to school, two stores worked and back home for a looksee. Going back for about 2 more hrs and I'm at home until Sunday. Will be bringing some feed & hay back with me, so I won't need to make another trip. Save gas! :D =D

LS put the ladder inside shed and you can go between the rafters for 1/2 the sheets...then outside not so much stretching with only the last row from there. :caf
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