
Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
Great job !!! :thumbsup
We had something ran run through several of ours. Vet thought maybe clostridium. We were afraid we were going to lose Freeday. She was the worse.
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Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
Great job !!! :thumbsup
We had something ran run through several of ours. Vet thought maybe clostridium. We were afraid we were going to lose Freeday. She was the worse.
Yeah, this was scary. They are still recalling feed. Thankfully only our milkers were on it.
Now though a bunch of people are buying up our feed that our guy orders for us! OH NO! Going to call today and make sure he ups his order.
I will see how our MUN levels look, we were feeding the Legends horse for lower protein.


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Been awhile. The past month has been filled with far too much for my liking.
We were affected by the massive feed recall. The problem was our feed wasn't on the recall at the time, the newest report just listed it.
It took a few days to figure out it had to be the feed even though it wasn't on the original list.
We feed different feeds to each group- Milkers get one type feed.
Kids and dry does and bucks get blue seal.
When our milkers started getting sick it was sudden and bad.... long story short we had 20 milkers on Pen for a week and still high temps and some scours... we ended up as last ditch resort using something else and it finally cleared up. Only the milkers.
All the goats made it through but everyone's condition took a hit. It was a long 10 days with temps on every goat 2x day shots 2x day, probios 2x day.... ugh. Cleaning their butts and just feeling exhausted.
As they were on the mend we were behind on so many other things that we were scrambling.
Meanwhile I had a family medical issue.
Then the week of this last show GW ended up in the hospital. She texted from the ER saying she was still going to the show! :rolleyes:
She was out of commission for a few days.
Roll around to Friday and they have to leave for the show.
We were still clipping goats , bathed 12 that morning, never clipped Berlin. Completely forgot she needed redone.
Loading and packing in the high heat.
It was horrible.
We thought of just scratching. Goats still needed their weight back, everyone was tired.
They forged ahead getting to the facility late that evening.
Our friends were showing their first time but needed help clipping goats .
That evening Lil Bit and GW started clipping and GW got sick again.
It was scary!
I called Dh and told him to not let DW do anything! She can walk in a ring if she wants to but no lifting, no running around getting hay and feed etc. He wanted to pack it in, not worth our health.
Literally told her pack the goats up and come home- not worth it.
Several others got heat exhaustion at the show.
Long 3 days!
By Sunday are goats were spent, not making milk from the heat and I think just wore out.- they didn't want to show at all.
Here at the homefront the milk machine went on the fritz. I had 16 does to milk. I don't hand milk. Got it going but by Sun night after they got home all goats 21 had to be handmilked. Everything unloaded and lets just say... we were all done. D.O.N.E!
Of course Foxy had kidded the week before so we were busy here.
We had several trips to meet up with people for goats during the month. Just so much.

So.. we did have a good show and were very happy with some feedback. The recorded Grades were insamnely competitive and large classes. It was crazy!
We took 15 goats
5 Sr does - 2 Lamanchas, 1 Rec Grade, 2 Nigerians
10 Jrs- 2 Lamancha yearlings, 2 Lamancha Int Kids, 1 Rec Grade yearling, 2 Rec. Grade Junior kids, 2 Nigerian Yearlings, 1 Nigerian Senior kid
We scratch juniors that go GCH so you will see under some it says scratch. They can only use 1 restricted leg toward championship so it makes no sense to keep them in if the numbers are still good.

As always we like to put up the results for all our goats. Helps us to track and look at overall herd placings.
Ring 1- Jay Rudolph Ring 2- Kassanda Abrams Ring 3- Lee Bergfield

Mariah- Lamancha Srs
Ring 1- 1st & RCH
Ring 2- 1st
Ring 3- 1st

Charlotte- Lamancha Srs
Ring 1- 1st
Ring 2- 1st
Ring 3- 1st

Trudy- Lamancha Jrs- dry yearling
Ring 1- 1st
Ring 2- 2nd
Ring 3- 2nd

Allure- Lamancha Jrs- dry yearling
Ring 1- 2nd
Ring 2- 3rd
Ring 3- 1st & RCH

Winnie- Lamancha Jrs- Int kid
Ring 1- 1st & GCH
Ring 2- scratch
Ring 3- scratch

Hetty- Lamancha Jrs- Int kid
Ring 1- 2nd
Ring 2- 2nd
Ring 3- 1st

Tiffany- Rec Grade Srs
Ring 1- 1st & RCH
Ring 2- 1st
Ring 3- 5th I was on the phone with the fam when they went in the ring- they said we shouldn't even take Tiff in, she is sunken in this am and doesn't want to walk around... she is spent. WOW! It showed too, Tiff has never placed below 2nd ever! We are still proud of her even though she didn't finish her championship. She just kidded trips in April. LOVE this goat!

Mousse- Rec Grade Jrs- dry yearling
Ring 1- 1st & GCH
Ring 2- scratch
Ring 3- scratch

Adalynne- Rec Grade Jrs- jr kid
Ring 1- 1st
Ring 2- 1st
Ring 3- 2nd

Amirah- Rec Grade Jrs-jr kid
Ring 1- 2nd
Ring 2- 2nd
Ring 3- 3rd

Clover- Nigerian Srs
Ring 1- 1st & GCH & 2nd BOB
Ring 2- 3rd
Ring 3- 2nd Best udder in Class
Clover wasn't shown at all last year so this was her first show out and she got her 2nd leg! :)

Peanut (Red Hot)- Nigerian Srs
Ring 1- 2nd
Ring 2- 2nd
Ring 3- 4th Best Udder in class & Best Udder of Breed

Berlin- Nigerian Jrs dry sr yearling
Ring 1- 1st
Ring 2- 8th
Ring 3- 5th or 6th?
Don't know what the heck was going on with Berlin. She was terrible, she was also unclipped but still how does a 3x over RCH go 8th?

Holly- Nigerian Jrs dry jr yearling
Ring 1- 1st & GCH
Ring 2- scratch
Ring 3- scratch
First show out :) & Her sister Willow was GCH and BIS at the last show. This is 4 for 4 from Carolina Girls doelings

Peony- Nigerian Jrs- Sr kid
Ring 1- 1st & RCH
Ring 2- 1st
Ring 3- 1st

We are happy with 15 goats 4GCH & 4 RCH

Highlight pics which are terrible but goats hate pics after the show LOL
View attachment 62622

View attachment 62620

View attachment 62621

View attachment 62623

Ch Line up
View attachment 62618

View attachment 62624

They were too spent to try and get pics of the goats. They got home LATE Sunday night!
The goats were so tired-View attachment 62627

View attachment 62628

Winnie's sister goes to her new home this week- a performance home so we will still get to see her at the shows! :):):)
I am so happy! I love where she is going! They have a great program so we are hoping she will do good things there.
@Wehner Homestead Cici's sisters! Winnie & Hetty
View attachment 62629 View attachment 62630
I hope you all are all better now and congratulations!
:celebrate :weee
That must have been really scary with your goats all sick. I can't imagine.


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
Yeah, this was scary. They are still recalling feed. Thankfully only our milkers were on it.
Now though a bunch of people are buying up our feed that our guy orders for us! OH NO! Going to call today and make sure he ups his order.
I will see how our MUN levels look, we were feeding the Legends horse for lower protein.
Why lower protein?

Goat Whisperer

Herd Master
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
It was causing really high MUN level and protein inversion.

Many breeders will tell you all day long to feed super high protein but don't realize the effects. It might be good for some farms, but not others. I think it does play a role in so many intensely managed farms having chronic metabolic issues within their own herds. So many are on test but only care about the * and forget to look at the real data :confused:


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
It was causing really high MUN level and protein inversion.

Many breeders will tell you all day long to feed super high protein but don't realize the effects. It might be good for some farms, but not others. I think it does play a role in so many intensely managed farms having chronic metabolic issues within their own herds. So many are on test but only care about the * and forget to look at the real data :confused:
Is there anywhere I can find more information on this? I was told to push the protein, and so I was running an 18% protein feed on the milk stand this year.


True BYH Addict
May 8, 2017
Reaction score
hey guys any advice one of those ladies on the backyard chickens throat is talking about a quad she had this was born this morning and one of the babies is very limp it's really hot there any suggestions on what she needs to be doing?I have never had a kid like that at least not that the very beginning. should the others are all panting 104. Likely needs more colosteum?
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