Preliminarily exams and clearances can occur before 24 months. And it’s also safe and encouraged to breed Aussies at 18-24 months, both mine are past the minimum (as per other Aussie breeders and my vet)
Most tricolor can be bred to a Merle (as long as you ensure that Tri is not a cryptic...
Yep! Both parents have been fully health tested, Aspen here and Remy with his previous owners (proof provided)
The vet suggested breeding her at 18 months per the norm for medium size breeds…her next heat after the 18 month mark fell on 20 months.
Aspen should be getting bred any day now. Remington is an absolute angel, worlds away from the scared, timid and shut down pup we picked up a week and a half ago…come so far as to walk off leash with me around the farm and still come running back butt wiggling a million miles an hour when I call...
Lost one of the Snowflake X Tux harli kits that I planned on possibly keeping..knew there was a possibility as all snowflake kits had to be fostered to smoky (because snow was a horrible first time mom) and they were a week younger than smokys kits…rest are going strong
my chocolate buck actually has a nice hind, unfortunately im still learning to pose them and he was sitting under himself in the rear pic. Hes the best buck I have right now I think, maybe my rex buck is better
Two new additions, 11 week old does. The broken blue is HUGE, I’m not sure what color the other doe is…not lynx I don’t think because the color goes through to her skin instead of being white based🤔
My two Silver Fox herd bucks
BLK unpedigreed, Winston…chosen because he reached 7lbs at 12 weeks old
Chocolate Pedigreed Silver Fox buck, Zach. Fast growout rate, 5lbs at 8 weeks…this guy doesn’t look huge but he is DENSE
Well, I had to sell out my whole meat rabbitry last year, lines I had been working on for years and had made vast improvements on, rabbits I was dang proud of and worked hard to get to where I was. It absolutely broke my heart but I had no job, no way to pay for feed anymore. I sold those...
Honestly I’m kind of used to that, we raise commercial Boers and if they were to be shown you want to leave as much of the hair as possible to make them look bigger, stockier, and thicker. They get a show clip much like shown above. My dairy are on the opposite end of the spectrum and get a...