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  1. F

    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    In for some late lunch. Ate a ham and cheese sandwich and some cottage cheese with apple butter... Got the hay raked, left the tractor and rake at Deb's and brought the red&white bale bed truck back. We will need the tractor and rake there and a few fields near there, next. It's a better...
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    Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along

    Protein tubs need to be out in the open so that any moisture .... not monsoon rain though... will soften them. If they are the "cooked" protein tubs, they will be harder, last longer... The softer ones that are just "poured" with more molasses... will get eaten faster. Tubs are not as...
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Very busy night in the parlor... had a little help by one of the workers at the farm... he would write numbers on some bottles and get a few milk samples along... got it done but I had no time for a sit down to take a minute break. Would not want to do it by myself very often, but it can be...
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    Sick lambs, Lost 2

    Glad to read they are all doing much better. We all learn lessons, sometimes the hard way... and we still lose animals after years of experience. Don't worm them again unless you see signs of them "being wormy". Their gut system needs to build some resistance... some breeds do it better than...
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    Coffee anyone ?

    Less money at the sale time..... More work time on the tractor.... Any neighbors that want to raise a beef? Pasture in exchange for some beef in the freezer???? Just wish we were closer together... could use the grass in an exchange of some sort...
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    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    To play devil's advocate... maybe Randy did "hear you" more than you realized???? About the depression and the feeling isolated and such???? Regardless of who/what/why.... so glad that you will have an "OUT" from the ranch on occasion....
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    Canesisters 2024 journal

    Is this going to affect NEXT SATURDAY????? GILMAN'S POULTRY SWAP????
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    Baymule’s Journal

  9. F

    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Well, partly sunny and nice out. A little humid. Started out 60, up to mid 70's last time I looked. Might hit 80 if the sun stays out like it is. So, meters and hoses put away, car cleaned out, boxes loaded for sample bottles. Ready to go. Talked to DS a couple times as he was checking...
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Friday night. In and done... Was a nice day. DS did get the field across from me baled this afternoon... I took him over some iced tea when he was half or a little more done... knee is aching some but he needs to do some of these jobs for a little while to get things working better... not any...
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    Alaskan's Journal

    Partly because too many of them have parents that made it too easy for them growing up... so they never learned that there are responsibilities and consequences and that money does not grow on trees... they were never made to do chores for an allowance and made to learn that if they did not do...
  12. F

    Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

    I am sorry for the death's in the family... and your mom's surgery... needing more... BUT... you can get a duplicate title, yes it will cost you at the DMV... just take the ins card you carry in the glove box, or the registration card... not sure how to solve the key problem... is the roof...
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    Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)

    WAY TO GO CODY !!!!!! Yeah, men and clueless... We're here....
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Yeah, we are looking at multi discount for company having house and vehicles... trying all angles before I commit... and that is why the guy here said he would talk to his friend that is a whiz at vehicle insurance as he can seem to find things others don't ... Luckily I have 2 weeks to "play...
  15. F

    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Friday morning. Slept hard after all the driving yesterday. It was a good day though so no complaints. DS called last night... we did not get ONE SINGLE THING at the online auction that we went to look at all that stuff yesterday... It was basically over at 7 pm... and he said stuff went...
  16. F

    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    @Baymule you might want to look at your vehicle ins and see if it would not be a good move to take the "full coverage" off the truck... the collision part is what costs so much, Keep the comp and liability of course.... and if it is not financed, it is sorta a waste of money on a vehicle over...
  17. F

    Coffee anyone ?

    I know @Mini Horses doesn't want to hear it, but we are also thinking... even hoping.... we get some significant SNOW this winter... we desperately need the recharging of the water situation here and the best way for us to get it is with a good snow this winter. The drought conditions are...
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    Alaskan's Journal

    I'm going to Just agree with the stupidity of prices, and affordability of things... If I get on a rant I will get barred for sure. I literally cannot wrap my head around the costs of things and the wages people make, yet they cannot save any money by being frugal at all... a young guy that has...
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    Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

    That's really good on the sheep doing so well for you. It also makes culling some that you might not have wanted to, a little easier to swallow. Especially females that you can say I kept the best but these were pretty darn good too... You can't keep them all or you would need to constantly get...
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    Farmerjan's journal - Weather

    Thursday. Nice sun 58 up to 80. Had some high clouds come in later in the day. Been a couple interesting days. Wed. it was also nice. Temps like 56 to 84. I got up and went to feed at the barn in the 2 lots and the back lot. Went to the nurse cow pasture and fed the calves, checked the...