Search results

  1. mandi224

    Skin Issue on LaMancha Doe

    @Hens and Roos - Thank you!! @Southern by choice - Yes, on her brisket. (Here I am always drilling the kids on their goat anatomy for 4-H, and I'm not practicing it myself, lol!) Her knees are definitely calloused, this just looked a little more flaky and "gross" in a way, so I was worried. (I...
  2. mandi224

    Skin Issue on LaMancha Doe

    We were showing at the fair last week and got back Saturday. I noticed this scaly, dry patch on one of my girls this morning. It's on her chest, between her front legs. I'm not seeing any hair loss or issues anywhere else on her body, or on any of my other 5 does. Any ideas on what it might be...
  3. mandi224

    Clipper Recommendations for Goats

    Any recommendations for some solid clippers (specific brand/model) for using on goats? Our 4-H leader wants all the kids to have their own clippers in their kits before show season next year, and I have a little extra money in the budget at the moment, so I wanted to buy something that will...
  4. mandi224

    Amount of grain for dry does & young does

    My goats all have hay, mineral, and water free-choice, but I'm concerned I'm feeding too much or not enough grain. First, we have two Nigies -- one that's 10 months old, and one that's 2.5 and just dried off. When my son showed the 10mo old at the fair this year (4-H project) the judge felt...
  5. mandi224

    Akitas and Livestock (long shot...)

    My mom's friend used to raise Great Pyrenees dogs and I definitely always admired hers! I'm not sure a LGD would be a good fit for us though, as I would like it to be bonded with the family and be in the house with us sometimes too (especially at night). My impression of LGDs is that they really...
  6. mandi224

    Akitas and Livestock (long shot...)

    Aw, I love collies. You don't see them very often around here -- don't know if they're not a popular breed in my area or what. Gorgeous dogs though! Thanks for the advice :) Ideally, I'd love to come across someone that is raising livestock dogs specifically -- like you said, someone that's had...
  7. mandi224

    Akitas and Livestock (long shot...)

    I know this is a long shot, but has anyone had any experience with having Akitas or Akita-mixes around livestock? I've been around several Akitas growing up, and owned an Akita/German Shepherd mix as a teen/young adult, and it was my most-loved, and most-missed dog I've ever had. He was very...
  8. mandi224

    How do I cage my rabbits efficiently?

    I haven't tried this myself but I thought this YouTube video was another interesting option for build-it-yourself cages: (Plus, jnull0 is a really cool dude... check out the rest of his videos.) There's also a follow-up on how to hang them here: If you know anyone that's ripping out old...
  9. mandi224

    How much work are rabbits, really?

    Congrats on getting into meat rabbits! I think everyone has covered most of what I'd suggest regarding heating/cooling. Rabbits are great for people who live in the city or suburbs. If you're concerned about your neighbors, you could also put them in the corner of your garage if you have one. I...
  10. mandi224

    Shedding or skin issues? (Pic)

    Her babies are a little past weaning age (9 wks) so perhaps they're the problem? I'm going to move them out tonight rather than waiting till the weekend, I think. Just in case. Will check her ears also. Thanks for the suggestion.
  11. mandi224

    Shedding or skin issues? (Pic)

    Our mama rabbit is losing fur, particularly on her face. This is our first spring with meat rabbits, so I wasn't sure if I should be concerned about mites, fleas, or some skin issue ... or if this is normal shedding this time of year? She doesn't appear to be itchy and I don't see any scabs or...
  12. mandi224

    Tips on getting goat used to milk stanchion?

    Thanks! I'm trying! Even though her baby is still with her, I'm putting her on the stand morning and evening for a few minutes to brush her, check her hooves, and just talk to her and pet her, even if we're not milking. I'm hoping establishing the routine will help.
  13. mandi224

    Tips on getting goat used to milk stanchion?

    Any tips on getting a goat used to being on the milk stanchion when they've never been on one? I just brought home a Nigerian Dwarf doe and her doeling. She kidded on Jan. 2nd and her buckling was sold as a bottle baby to someone else a week before I bought mom & baby girl. The breeder said...
  14. mandi224

    Udder Wash/Teat Dip Safe for Kids?

    I actually have a brand new can of Fight Bac here (I ordered a milking starter kit from Caprine Supply and it was part of that kit). But it didn't say on the can if it was safe for kids or not, so I was looking for other options in case. But if that's safe, that should be easy!! Thank you!
  15. mandi224

    Udder Wash/Teat Dip Safe for Kids?

    What kind of udder washes and teat dips are safe if the kids are still on them part-time? (Planning to do once a day milkings.) I was looking at the FiasCo Farms one with Clorox/water/Dawn. Will that be safe and OK to use? Any other recommendations? And do I need to use an udder balm regularly...
  16. mandi224

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    @Southern by choice That would be great if you could find those videos again! I've watched a few but more is always good! I get your point about re-configuring and having to pull t-posts rather than cemented wooden posts. I think having that flexibility for us would be good. But do you think...
  17. mandi224

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    @Latestarter That was HUGELY helpful! THANK YOU! I hate having to ask such basic questions, but I'm hoping to save myself some headaches later. :)
  18. mandi224

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    Thanks guys for all the help -- y'all have no idea how grateful I am to have found this forum!! :woot I think, as you all suggested, we're going to shoot to do approximately a 20'x30' fenced area to start (and expand in the future), using wood posts in the corners, and t-posts on the line. I...
  19. mandi224

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    Thank you! :) Our house was built in 1801, but the old barn burned down and was re-built around 2009, so I think you're right that it hasn't been used. The house changed hands several times between '09 and when we got it last summer, so I think they never used it except to park the lawn tractor...
  20. mandi224

    Affordable goat fencing options?

    @Latestarter Haha you may be right! :) I have heard of them enforcing it "in town" further than where we live, but I'm guessing that was probably because neighbors complained about goats in a small backyard situation. Our neighbors are pretty cool -- they grow/sell hay, and raise grassfed...