Even better we could have a group of compounds. Brownsheep, Elevan, Autumnpraire and My group and some other members. Trading amongst each other and eating those tasty Elevan inventions.:D
Well if were talking the ideal situation, I would like a group of family and friends on a large compound for security, labor and for some social aspect.
Chickens are very popular and easy keepers for even the novice. I would want Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons, they make good broodies...
Its that wonderful gift of youth. Enjoy it while it lasts, were you can work 48 hours straight and then sleep for half a day and do it again. Ah...the younger years....party all night work all day, fun, fun. :cool:
YAY, Football is coming back soon. Been barely hanging on with Nascar, Basketball and Golf. Now at least we can talk about draft picks, even though I really don't know about many of them it gives us NFL folk something good to talk about. I'l catch up though with all the chatter as the Draft...
Thats great that the Association will send out a picker to help y'all and they tell you where the need is. I just have a couple semi wild ones that need heavy weeding and trimming.
What a good crop of kids. Well they look good at least, I know next to nothing as to what to look for but they look healthy and happy and I suppose that counts.
I wonder though do you get problems with Cotton Mouth Snakes or Rattlers under those logs?
I've had similar experience with Rotty's. If they are well socialize and train, they can be wonderful family protectors but if you don't do the work any dog can be a terror.