Hey y’all!
I have a Flemish cross rabbit that is in labor, and has already given birth to 5 kits (3 dead). She has been bleeding a lot since having them, and she is VERY lethargic and her eyes and ears are very pale. I’m 98% sure that she still has kits in there, but I don’t think she’s able to...
I think I have a premature kid coming. My doe has all the labor signs (clear discharge, VERY loose tail ligaments, head pressing, etc). She's only 1- 1 1/2 months along. I assume the kid(s) are goners, but will my doe be okay?
In other news, the bunnies are better! None have discharge (Well, they have very clear, unnoticeable discharge) and only 2 have crackly lungs. I think I'll cull those 2 anyway as they are very runty and the others are twice their size.
Maybe it isn't snuffles then? I'm going to continue...
I don't think we do... Last time we took a goat to the vet to be examined for CL, it took WEEKS for the information to get back to us. We're in a very remote area :rolleyes:
Haha, well, I hold ya to that :plbb
It's been only a week to a week and a half.. I think it could be possible. Maybe they got some feed in their respiratory tract? I'm using one of those feeders you'd buy at TSC https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/ware-big-sifter-feeder?cm_vc=-10005 It's...
Tried on BYC too... Hopefully I get a good answer here :P Hey guys... I have a whole passel of buns with what I believe to be snuffles (Pasteurellosis). They are all bouncy and happy still, and eat and drink like crazy (no more than normal, but). They have most of the symptoms, dirty paws, etc...
This morning I woke up to feed the bunnies, and I noticed one of my recently castrated bucks was lying in the cage, still alive, but with a thick white discharge from his nose. He was gasping with his mouth wide open as well :\
He couldn't really lift his head either, and if he did, he would...
Hay Y'all :D
My New Zealand Doe (Dismal Forebodings is her name... Hope That didn't jinx her :gig) Gave birth to 16 kits a few days ago. About half of the litter is dead and another 3 look they're on their way out. This morning i found 3 dead in the bottom, rotten, even though I cleaned out and...