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  1. E an J Dixon

    Goat abortions?

    @Duckfarmerpa1 No judgement, accidents happen. Glad you took care of it! Hope & prayers that things get better for you soon.
  2. E an J Dixon

    Leg Injury

    I an new to this list but have been working in the goat feild and owning them since 1977. Vet soon! Last year we had a wether that had an injury that looked similar to that (when we found itbut not quite as advanced and our Vet lanced it and wrapped it. It healed and you could not tell it had...
  3. E an J Dixon

    Hello from Dixsigns Romping Rock Dairy in Clayton, Idaho.

    Howdy from Idaho, My husband Ed and I run a small licensed raw milk dairy in central Idaho. I found this site this morning because I had forgotten how to mix the 107 gram packet of Di-methox into a 12.5% solution. Thanks for being here. Juanita