I've got a doe with triplets, born 6 days ago.
The plan is to sell the doe and her 2 bucklings together (as wethers). There is an interested buyer for the trio, hoping it doesn't fall through.
Her doeling is a bottle baby in my house. Doeling was not as thrifty at birth. Several things happened...
Seems a bit out of control though.
My other suggestions all included washing her to see what happens so she's getting a nice undercarriage treatment today.
There's no odor to it, but a few spots of cracked skin. I don't see signs of infection at least.
The internets tell me a...
Undersides of Exhibit Annie.
New to homestead.
Looks scabby, some ooze. Surface skin mostly, flaky. I didn't do a 360* exam, just pics of udder region and underbelly while lifting a leg.
NONE on her face or ears, unlike the scary stuff Google suggested immediately.
Mites? Mange? Something else...
Have a 300gal DEF tank we want to use for rain collection system.
From what I've read, it's considered fairly non toxic. Probably safer than all the bleach some are using to "clean" it. I cannot offer proof of that however.
I have the chance to buy 2 lovely doeling, well under a year old each. I mention age because I've read twice now Johnes is not testable at their age, but need confirmation on that.
I'm not 1000% satisfied with information given regarding the disease testing at their breeder farm. The goats all...
Went to look at a goat, registered Nigerian.
I've got a variety of red flags, instincts are tickling.
What I really need to know is, as the deal breaker...
Can goats at a glance appear bowlegged but actually be built in such a manner that the legs turn outward to carry the body...
I emailed, saying I had a few concerns. Mostly, where did the buns come from?
Theyre pets. They come from all over.
That did not help!
Daughter birthday coming up. Buy lot, sell some buns off? Sell all buns, keep cages?
Goal: get a breeding trio on farm.
Tell me the hundreds of ways this is a dumb thing to jump on:
It used to say 10 rabbits. I'm thinking 3 Lions were sold.
Personal goals here would not include fancy buns, just good dual purpose buns.
Yes, I...
Ugghhhh so in prep for Mama to kid next month, picked up a vial of CDT.
This is her 2nd freshening.
Talking with previous owner, she said Mama had spring vaccinations with CDT (end of April this year.)
So...what does one do?
Looks like I must also be prepared to give kids CDT a few weeks after...
I need some suggestions!
I think this is the right place to put it.
We want some radios, I'm thinking 4 total, to fit these requirements:
Budget friendly
Charges by dock or plug in cable
Child friendly
Reliable up to 2 miles is probably our max, but more is better
We are in an area with lots...
Bumping this up, clock is ticking and I think we are on schedule, less than 4 weeks.
Mama is showing nesting behaviors, like pulling all the hay from feeder, squishing it around in a dark corner, and chilling in it. I don't see much of that mentioned, but my instincts say it's just the late...
As Baymule said.
I'm in New England. It can be very common here, as we have many old farm fields converted back toward wetland areas. In fact, I'd say wetlands are overpushed by the enviros here...but that's another thread.
My first hay haul was reed canary with a mix of timothy and clover.
I concur with PP.
It's a lesson learned in goat social behavior.
Animals, we often don't realize, have just as complex structures as humans do socially. Goats ARE an intelligent species with some level of emotion.
Please remove the buck. He will not be housed with all the goats year round for...
My experience is to add a collar as soon as the kids are no longer at risk of getting stuck in fences on the daily (ok, good practice says our goats should never get their heads stuck, but I see it happen to even the most perfect goat owners.)
My opiniom is that it is never too early to put on...
We didn't get her from a breeder, got her from neighbor who has decided to give up on dairy goats. We got half her herd for super cheap. Crunchy was not born yet when neighbor bought Mama, so no one knew about her hair lol. Mama was a FF.
Everyone is supposed to be purebred, and from breeders...