I have a 3 week old wether that has a small (under a dime sized) lump on his face. Near the bottom of his lower jaw. Soft and moveable. He came from a herd that is negative for CL, CAE, and Johnes. No hair loss. He is acting completely normal, very playful. Should I be worried? Thanks
I am showing a dairy wether at Fair this year but am unsure how to clip him. Is it like market and meat goat wethers? This is my first time showing goats and I can't find anything on how to clip a wether for dairy classes. Thanks!
Thanks, I will ask about it! My wether stopped the coughing, I never knew the cause but it might have been some bad hay. I totally forgot to respond to my old post, sorry.
I have a boer doe that I'm planning to show in 4h this year in a meat breed class (not market). She is a nice doe but she has hardly any pigment under her tail. Will this affect her when I'm showing? I know that in ABGA shows they disqualify ones without pigment but are County fairs more...
I have a 2 year old wether that I just bought a few months ago. He coughs occasionally maybe a few times a day. It is most noticeable before he goes to sleep at night, after he has eaten hay and some grain. My other goats do not cough at all. I'm pretty new to owning goats and I just want to...