I won't die but I do swell up pretty gnarly. Last time I was stung, it was the center of my forehead and both my eyes swelled shut. Then I was stung in the same place 2 weeks later with even worse results. I had one fly up my sleeve on my motorcycle and I had a fat hand for about a week.
Things have been busy! I'm working full time monday - friday. We took a week off and went deer hunting for 9 days, didn't get anything LOL Except for a cool shed antler.
Harvested some honey from the hive. Its delicious!
I recently got two rex does. A broken castor and a solid blue.
Well, I got a new job! The clinic I was working at was just such a toxic environment. The managers are their own worst enemy. I am trying to pick between two different clinics. I have friends that work at either one and I love both places.
We are buying a new car, well preowned car. We sold...
It doesn't seem to make a difference in toughness. We generally marinate or cook long and slow so we can't tell. I keep my grow outs in tractor so they have access to fresh grass. Little buggers eat SO MUCH. We were going through 100 lbs of feed a week so we are very glad to be rid of those...
They varied in age. Since I utilize the hides, I generally grow them out for a longer time. I believe most of these were 4-5 months. We didn't weigh any but they were bigguns! Some the Americans were HUGE. Those ones get big fast but it took a while for their coat to develop.
My husband and I processed 42 rabbits yesterday. It took us nearly 3 hours. I CD-ed, skinned and then he gutted them and tossed them in the cooler. The dogs stood by and stuffed themselves with heads.
I then washed and soaked the hides in alum/salt brine to tan them. I will flesh them in...
We have Cobra and Shelby. They are sisters from a set of triplets. Their sisters name was Chevelle.
The story of their names comes from a 9 year old friend of mine. She had just come from a birthday party and the girls name was Shelby. So she named a kid Shelby. We had to have themes so...
My two are in my backyard mowing the weeds. We haven't fed them any type of hay for months. I have two horses so they have to eat my money while the goats eat for free!
I am no goat expert but I know mine are healthy and very happy. We currently have them roaming free in our large backyard. They would normally be out with the horses but what with the cost of hay...I decided to allow them to just mow the over grown yard. They love it. They hop up on...
Just wanted to share my two ponyhorses. Waylon is the bay, he is an Arabian/APHA gelding, 5.5 years old, 14.1 hands. Just completed his 60 days of training and we will be pursuing endurance. Rooster is the grey, my husbands horse. He is a 16 hand, 10 year old stock horse that came from a...
Thanks :) She is only a pet that weeds the backyard, keeps the horses company and harasses the dogs. I've been considering breeding them next year so I can milk them but I'm not sure if I want to deal with babies again :)