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  1. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Hi all, just wanted to poke my head in. Feel like I've hardly been by since I moved this last time. Been some long but good days. I think of y'all most every morning when I get up to run. Chilly weather here, temps in the negatives. Hoping y'all are having better weather then here. Ok, car is...
  2. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    No alarms today and still awake before 6. Came home to Laramie last night and really enjoying being back. Little chillier then most of you, but warmer then its been. I got a Red Bull and Protein shake in hand, time to go run.
  3. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Hey guys, not even sure the last time I was here. Been busy starting my next adventure. Was up this morning to run (listened to NBC the entire run), breakfast now, then a long day of work, but that's what I signed up for. Going to take a weekend trip back to Laramie, so I am excited for that...
  4. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Checking in from negative temperatures. Pretty dang cold out plus an even colder windchill. Went for a frosty run, but going to stay inside the rest of the day. Holiday, so its a day off. Will work on some stuff later for work, but that's that. Praying for you Fuzzi and Rachel. So sorry for...
  5. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Been a couple of days since I made it on. Got some hot coffee going here, has been a chilly week, gotten a decent amount of snow today. Weather says its 20 out with a windchill of 2. Sounds about right. Sitting in a greenhouse right now trying to get some artificial Vitamin D. Hoping the roads...
  6. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Haven't been on in a while. Chilly here, 25 but probably low windchill. Moved up to Natrona County WY to start a new adventure tomorrow. Feels wild being in a decent sized town, got used to a town with three grocery stores, the little things are mind blowing.
  7. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Checking in, didn't realize it has been a whole week (I think). Left town for the Holidays and decided not to use my computer for a bit to rest. Not a ton to report, just some quality time with family and a really long run yesterday since we celebrated Christmas on Sunday. @fuzzi Best wishes to...
  8. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Update- it was really cold. And really windy. And dark for the first bit. But I survived and that was a pretty run. Now time to start my day, just odds and ends and bible study that I need to make some cookies for.
  9. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    5 am coffee club rare appearance. Sitting in my car drinking Red Bull about to run to watch the sunrise. My car says it’s 28 out but my phone said windchill of a lovely 7 degrees. Heading back to my parents house tomorrow. Should probably start packing later. Ok, I’m going to go run, y’all...
  10. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Really balmy weather here, up a few degrees from this morning. Was 23 with a windchill of 13. But that's December in Wyoming. At least we only have a small handful of days where we go below 0. Honestly just odds and ends happening here. Leaving for Christmas then an internship next week, need to...
  11. Poka_Doodle

    Question about lionhead rabbit

    She's acting like babies are coming. Keep your eyes out.
  12. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    We also have weather coming I think. Can't say it really matters when I for one, will be studying for finals coming tomorrow and Wednesday. Would've made the 4am coffee club yesterday and thought of y'all. Had a half marathon in Colorado. Sitting in Starbucks now though. Got about another hour...
  13. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    I would've made the 5 am club, but yesterdays afternoon caffeine kept me up until 1. Decided I could skip the gym and got up at 6:30. Now just trying to find the motivation to study. Crazy idea, if we want to reduce emissions, maybe celebrities should fly private jets just a little less. Think...
  14. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Wowww, lots happening from everyone. Checking in from the Library. Can't even complain, this place is nice and they give us food and coffee if we're here long enough. Just one of those long school days here, started the morning at the gym, then coffee before studying, class, rode, ended up...
  15. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Snow and ice on the ground here, cold 21 degrees out. Went for a slow run this morning, coffee and gatorade now. Seems like this winter might be something else... Time to study now, finals next week.
  16. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    My alarm sang to me and I almost decided it wasn't worth going to the gym. Was super quiet, most classes are cancelled today and most everyone has gone home. We were supposed to be hit by a storm about two hours ago, still just clouds outside. Reports are saying it is going to be a big one...
  17. Poka_Doodle

    Poka_Doodle's journal

    Well, I have a non running journal post. Life happens, and owning a dang good show animal is a privilege. I feel like years ago, I probably talked about this Partridge Rock bantam I had. I got her in May of 2014. And honestly it took me a couple of years to appreciate her. But once I did, she...
  18. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Frosty outside today, typical November for us. Almost done with school, but got a couple of tests tomorrow, so studying now and will spending a while studying after church. Took my car to get my tires swapped on Thursday, and noticed the indicator light turned on Friday, took a chance figuring...
  19. Poka_Doodle

    Sentry, Baymule’s Livestock Guard Dog RIP 11-11-24

    Bay, I really don't have words for you. You gave him everything you could and made a lot of hard decisions for him. And he clearly loved you. I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way, but now he is with BJ, watching over you.
  20. Poka_Doodle

    Coffee anyone ?

    Love all the picture from monday :love Morning all, skipped the coffee today and went straight for the Red Bull. Going to be a long one today. But glad I made it to the gym first. Otherwise it'll be a day full of class and studying. Hoping to make it to the barn during lunch. Have a review...