Right now I milk the first one that makes it through the door, lol. :hide Only problem is when TWO get through the door at the same time!
If/when I'm milking the same gals daily instead of milk sharing, I try to observe the proper order.
From what I understand, he and his brother supply cabrito to quite a few of their friends/acquaintance. He keeps a few around, but most are destined for the BBQ pit. I always try to sell privately first, but he's never failed to come and pick up what I have for him.
Disbudded two more today. :(
Yep - I hope he continues! He already contacted me in December looking for babies. Last year he bought about 6 (I disremember the exact number) bucklings and a mature doe. I smiled!
Yay Snooter!
Always nice when a FF figures out that you are the reliever of pressure - not the torturer. I milked a Myotonic for a few days just to even out her udder because her two babies didn't figure out she had two faucets. She's a food hog so jumped right on the stand and dug into...
No auction near me so I always try to sell privately. However, if selling is slow, I do have a guy who will buy any young goats (and some mature) that don't sell. He comes here, pays me cash, and takes them away. Easier than any auction and I don't pay a commission, lol.
For private sales...
That's fantastic - glad it's working for you! You'd think a mouse that is smart enough to avoid a trap wouldn't be dumb enough to impale itself on a nail, lol. Stoopid mice!
I've also seen potatoes work. My dad would grate them up so he could really get them packed in his "eye hollows." Is there actually a word for that area on either side of the nose where the eyes live? :hu
It seems like the nail strips might change their trails but I wouldn't think it actually eliminates. I'd keep trying the traps. The sticky traps work well here.
Do you know what breed of buck she is bred to? Hopefully, one more her size than a larger buck.
Looking at her pics she doesn't look overly large for a doe that should be at least 4 months bred. Her udder doesn't look that full so she may have several weeks to go. Be aware that does like to...