Hit the post... by accident. I told him last year that that the little lot directly in front of the barn, where we sort animals and all, should be concrete... for being able to not have them in the muck and mud when we get these horrible rain/snow/wet times...so it will drain off away from the...
Long day today. Started out at 22 for the low... Hit 40 and a little thawing on top of the ground but not much. Just surface.... so a little slick/muddy. Ground was hard mostly though.
Sun was sporadic, more this afternoon actually. There was a light breeze, nothing like it has been... but...
COLD DAY TODAY....it was 22 to start, up to 40 in the sun but there was still a stiff breeze and... it was just cold out.
DS called about doing gates there at Grants and Snyders by me... which was fine.... it makes it a whole lot easier to go in and out, when he runs up the road several...
I said a long time ago he was with the wrong sister...But he is soooo obsessed with this one and the sister is like a sister to him so that's never going anywhere.
Agree with the double or triple pallets to allow for more air flow under. I don't see where a tarp on the ground is going to help because the ground is getting too wet.. water will collect on top of the tarp. Not like you can seal off the ground so to speak. BUT , I would put a tarp or barrier...
I like Dan Bongino also... Joe Rogan but agree on his mouth...Also like Joe Paggs...
The only music at "work"... is whatever the farmer is playing (90% is country... older farmers play more oldie country and one has bluegrass on the days we have it... ) or the "tick tock" of the pulsator...
Another thing, many of those sheep had a "2nd" person to help them... and Cassandra was doing it all herself... and she is probably the smallest and youngest there...
I say KUDOS to her...
Didn't realize that the Dorper's were separate. Learned something...
People still think sheep and think wool... and they have been bred for "eating" in big numbers for a loooong time... I do... just a force of habit... and so many wool sheep breeds are just built different than the more...
I listen to talk radio alot... Glen Beck in the morning... Clay and Buck took over Rush Limbaugh's noon time slot. Sean Hannity in the afternoon some... Mark Levin in the evenings except when the local station preempts with local sports... I like Glen Beck, Mark , Clay and Buck, then Sean in...
"She" has to deal with the kids and school and stuff.. won't be back before time to pick daughter up. She does not think that her daughter should ride the school bus... so she takes her and picks her up all the time... total BS... not like we are in a high crime area, or a problem of any kind...
Hard to compete against other breeds... especially the Dorpers since they are known as the "MEAT BREED"....They have a different look and a different type...
Proud of her to have improved her showing ability enough for the judge to have also noticed. That is quite an accomplishment . Good for...
Sun eve. It got up to 55 today.. finally..... It was cloudy and had a couple of short quick showers... and the wind started blowing about 9-10 a.m. and it has been fierce this afternoon and evening... The one good thing is 95% of the snow melted overnight except the northern facing spots that...
Yes, @Finnie... yours and mine must be identical... Lightweight but still a decent buy for what they are. I have not gotten the "roof" panels or the hardware panels on it yet. Funny that you and I have the same thing... and they have been sitting on the trailer covered with tarps, for 4 years...
My opinion... I would first off, HAVE to go with poultry friendly.
No hound crosses with their potential to roam... and many are not chicken friendly... not necessarily to be mean, but just the chase thing...
Other than that I would have to go see if they were even a fit for me. But if you...
If you just type in AltNationalParks you will come up with all sorts of stuff... and not all of it looking very legit. On top of that there are several articles on how these started when Trump was first elected in 2017... and that all this is "non-political"... hummmmm
Not saying they are all...
Just got home from testing... going to eat some soup and go to bed.
It rained all the way to test and off and mostly on during testing and coming home... Not hard but rain. There was NO SNOW from about 30 miles north... next to none til about 10 miles from home on the way back... rain had...
@rachels.haven ... please keep us posted on the "rumors" going around and what is happening... it is not what I was expecting to hear... cutting waste yes... and even some shutting down of stupid stuff... BUT......
Pouring down rain since about 11... Really rained hard while up at the nurse cow...
The long term disability is through the state .... I don't know about any federal/ss/ or any other disability programs. When he went from the short term disability, that ran out, he had to make decisions. Long term has restrictions and there are plenty of nosy people that would turn him in...
If he takes permanent disability, he cannot farm... talked to disability lawyer and another friend/lawyer... so by being "retired" he can do things.... and still dealing with the workman's comp stuff...
If you get permanent disability, through the state system... they basically want you to just...