Search results

  1. M

    1 Month Old completely limp, help

    We've been raising goats for about 9 years now, our best mother gave birth to twins back at the end of November. The kids have been healthy and smart, have all their vaccines and heads burnt. The mother has been acting strange towards them, won't let them nurse much, but still cries for them...
  2. M

    Boer/Saanen kids in Central PA

    We bred our Boers and Saanens with a home raised boer buck. Sadly, none of our boers were actually bred. We now have 2 wethers and 2 doelings for sale. 3 months old. If they are not sold to a good home, to keep them, we are selling/showing them for meat this fall. Their dad has a black head...
  3. M

    Weight Gains

    How much should a newborn boer goat gain in the first week? I've had the biggest set of twins yet, both at around 12 lbs, the one closer to 13. The larger one just gained 5 lbs his first week. Is this good, average or poor? Just asking :P
  4. M

    Thick ears?

    We decided to cross our Saanens one more time with a good boer. The babies allways come in a variety of colors, are healthy and strong, and grow at great rates. Annabelle, my first goat gave birth to her first cross kids, just yesterday, to two little boys. The one was found frozen this morning...
  5. M

    You know feeding is a hastle, yoking?

    I really want a yoking system/parlor for my goats. I love the ones that make it so the first goat needs to go to the end and triggers the second one to open. Is there anyway I can make one out of wood (the ones on the market are soo expensive). Thanks :D
  6. M

    For AI users on Boer Goats (or Saanens), which Buck do you use?

    I'm heading in to AI, looked over some nice bucks. I'm just wondering on your favorites. I've talked to our collector/inseminator and he pointed out to some nice ones he has used, he also breeds our Angus, and does a very nice job. So, who do you preffer..buck wise?
  7. M

    Boer/Pygmy Crosses?

    Does any one have any pictures? I was thinking that if you have the cross you could improve the faster growth (muscling) rate by putting in genetics for the lower height. I've heard they weren't the best crosses, but it is hard finding pictures.. and the ones that do usually don't have the best...
  8. M


    These guys look like great animals, and I'm interested in having a few, but living in PA makes it hard to even find good goats from a state or two across when it vomes to meat goats. I'm working on expanding and improving my herd of boers (just got two little doelings!). I looked at all the...
  9. M

    Baby had triplets today!

    The one in the middle, with the black front that is mostly dry, was born first. She is the second biggest, was the second quietest when dipping her cord, and was born much before the other two. The one in the back is a boy, he is the biggest, and was in the same sack as his sister. He came out...
  10. M


    :PAnyone have, or heard of them? I know they are rare, and most are now in zoos, but they are fasinating. I love my Saanens and Boers, they are awesome! I'm just looking into breeds.. Which breeds do you recomend anyway, other than the popular meat and dairy breeds, I want something extremely...
  11. M

    What Type of Goat is This? (Description)

    White long hair, wavy.. goat is used to produce it. Long, spiraled, horns that stick straight up. Looks like a Saanen with a lot of hair, except the spiral horns. I know it is not the Girentana. What breed is it?
  12. M

    Hello from PA, New

    I'm knew around here. My backyard herd consists of a mutt, 2 cats, 4 Saanens, 2 Boers, and 2 Arabian geldings. I also have a flocck of chickens. I live on a farm in Pennsylvania. I hope everyone is having a great year so-far, and thanks for letting me be a member!
  13. M

    Help! Goat problem, not even the vet is certain!

    Friday we found our goat in her stall. She wouldn't move. She was laying down with head up, a little shakey, and she was bawling. She would eat and drink a little at a time. We checked on her about 30 minutes later and the back of her head was touching her spine, she was on her side, and her...