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  1. Chicken Girl

    Hens or Roos

    Those are pullets on the point of lay.
  2. Chicken Girl

    Araucana or Easter Egger?

    They are Easter Eggers, Araucanas are expensive and tailless.
  3. Chicken Girl

    Skinny pullets? Help!!

    They look fine to me as well. My chicks are always 'skinny' until they start growing and maturing more. As long as they are eating good nutrients I wouldn't be worried.
  4. Chicken Girl

    how many Eggs have you collected today and what is your weather

    So far 6 from 13 and still have to go and collect the second round :)!
  5. Chicken Girl

    BYC Conversion Questions & Answers (During Conversion)

    @CinnamonEli its basically up and running! I just signed and am trying to figure stuff out.
  6. Chicken Girl

    BYC Conversion Questions & Answers (During Conversion)

    Nifty said hopefully tomorrow
  7. Chicken Girl

    Any idea what breed this is???

    Does it have some brown/red feathers are is it dirty? It maybe a Leghorn, White Plymouth Rock, or Red sex-link cockerel. Its definitely a cockerel whatever it is.
  8. Chicken Girl

    6wk wyandotte - hen or roo?

  9. Chicken Girl

    6wk wyandotte - hen or roo?

    x2 I'm leaning towards pullet
  10. Chicken Girl

    New member

  11. Chicken Girl

    rooster or hen?

    @birdfreaks that's a pullet @Tessieo that's a cockere @Brbnjch that's a cockerel
  12. Chicken Girl

    Rhode Island Reds ..... Rooster or Hen??

    Looks like a cockerel
  13. Chicken Girl

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Yes my evil minion humans are the slaves