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  1. WildOaksManor

    Scours in bottle fed lamb - 60 hrs old??

    This is my first bottle baby, rejected at birth. Wensleydale ram. He got colostrum for the first 6 hrs, then two long 15 min feeds, 12 hrs apart while the ewe was restrained. Obviously not sure exactly how much he got. He is now on powdered milk replacer. Started out feeding 4 ounces every 3 hrs...
  2. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    So, she's on Manna Pro Goat right now...would I continue to give her that, and also give her a zinc supplement? Copper bolus? Is there a certain product I can order? I'd like to treat her sister at the same time....should I treat all 8 goats? (all does, except one 4 month old buckling) THANK...
  3. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    Had to put the pics in 2 posts - apparently, I'm a security threat. :hu
  4. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    I was able to get her to hold still long enough to get a few pictures. At this point, my next move is to treat for mineral deficiency, or mites. Wondering if anyone can tell from the pics which one I should try first? I would prefer to test/treat for the most likely scenario, if I can, then wait...
  5. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    Well, no, that was my first encounter with this particular veterinary clinic, and my first Ill doe....But I can't think of why they would falsify the results either. ?? No, not sure at all. This thread is the first cause for me to consider them as being a possible issue. Would leg mites cause...
  6. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    The Ivermectin was POURED on, from the base of the neck to tail. I'm confused as well. The goat with the high coccidia load had a fecal done prior to the Ivermectin, showing high numbers at the end of Sept. Then Ivermectin was applied, (9-30-16) as well as many immune boosting remedies, an...
  7. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    ACK! I said he recommended it for mites - I meant LICE. Visible Lice. Not mites. So sorry! Like I mentioned previously, I don't know a ton about goats and the things that plague them. Yet. (So, would it make more sense that he prescribed it? The thing that confuses me, is before the...
  8. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    No offense taken. I have not used him for long, although he has been in practice locally as a equine and farm animal vet for over 30 years, and is well respected by our 4H group, and my local goat/sheep friends, and came recommended by several people. I'll admit, I don't know enough about goats...
  9. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    Yes, I worded my info poorly, sorry. He said he thought she had a genetically weak immune system that was allowing the fungal infection to take over and not be kept in check, considering her care and diet. Which is why he mentioned putting her down. The reason I was soaking her in warm water...
  10. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    No skin plug - he searched her and several others carefully for signs of mites, but didn't see any, and concluded that the Ivermectin would have taken care of them, (Administered Sept 30, 2016) if she did have them. No skin scraping, although he mentioned it. I think he was confident enough in...
  11. WildOaksManor

    ND Goat with ultra dry, flaking skin - Vet suggests euthanizing?

    My 1 1/2 year old Nigerian Dwarf, Arrow, is having a rough time. I am hoping someone here has some advice or experience with a similar issue. Arrow was wormed with Ivermectin pour-on, per vets recommendation at the end of Sept, '16. Shortly after, I noticed flaking, dry skin on a couple does...
  12. WildOaksManor

    Waterproofing a wood goat barn floor - Pls ADVISE

    We had a contractor come out and take a look at it, and have decided to add 3/4" plywood to the existing chipboard, (it's still in good shape, but we will KILZ it first) and paint the CM15 about a foot up the inside of the walls. Our wall framework will be pallet wood, and we will add a 2x12...
  13. WildOaksManor

    Vinyl Ranch fencing....with goats?

    Now obviously, 3 rail vinyl fencing and goats do not mix, but we moved into a home on 5 acres, which is perimeter fenced with 3 rail vinyl. I am trying to figure out what the best way would be to fence in pasture area for my Nigerians. My husband wants to throw up T-posts and 2x4 wire fencing...
  14. WildOaksManor

    Help me name my I.R. ducklings?

    Haha. Ninja turtles. You must have boys. :)
  15. WildOaksManor

    Help me name my I.R. ducklings?

    Yes! I think this is what I'll go with. Very nice combination of my favorites. Thanks for chiming in!
  16. WildOaksManor

    Help me name my I.R. ducklings?

    I have 4 new Indian Runner duckettes that need names. I like themes. 80's/90's, Hippy, water related, beginning with same letter, etc. I think I'm going to go with Hippy/water related, (unless you guys can come up with some awesomely rad 80's names) so give me your opinions on the...
  17. WildOaksManor

    Hi. I just really want to be like all of you.

    I KNEW I was at the right place! GOAT UPDATE! I have now DOUBLED my goatie count. (Was at a measly 3 - now up to 6!) I have 2 babies to pick up in April, and my first bred doe (for my virgin milking voyage) will be picked up in April as well. {SO much to learn!} Thank you for the warm welcome...
  18. WildOaksManor

    Waterproofing a wood goat barn floor - Pls ADVISE

    Ok, I am about to buy the CM15 (Flexible Epoxy) for my barn floor, which is currently chipboard. Anyone think I should not do this? From what I've seen, I can simply clean the floor well, vacuum, apply a bleach solution to any urine spots/stains, and put it down. Anyone have experience using...
  19. WildOaksManor

    Hi. I just really want to be like all of you.

    Hello. I am Amanda, and I am addicted to goats. I live in SW Washington, (AKA "MUD CITY") and I am determined to be a crazy goat lady. I have 3 one year old Nigerian Dwarf Does, that have never been bred, but I'm here to learn all about milking and stanchions and smelly bucks and birthing, and...
  20. WildOaksManor

    Waterproofing a wood goat barn floor - Pls ADVISE

    Thanks Latestarter - I had considered tile, but was hoping there was something easier/cheaper. Perhaps not though. We could lay plywood or thin set....I'll do what I need to to get it the way I need it, just stumped as to what the best option is. After Latestarters response, the CM15 just...