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  1. MissyC2012

    Partridge Silkie Roo or Hen

    So this is an update from my "Sexing Silkie Chickens 4 Months Old" thread from May. My babies are almost 7 months old now. Puddin (the darker larger one) not only makes crowing noises, but she also lays eggs. I have never had a hen who did both. She is also fairly aggressive when she is broody...
  2. MissyC2012

    Sexing Silkie Chickens 4 Months Old

    I have 2 Silkie chickens that we have raised from eggs. I think they are considered "Splash Silkies". We cannot figure out if they are male or female by their behavior or appearance. They are the most docile, laid back, pet friendly birds we have. They are not, however, fond of being outside...