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  1. M

    How much meat will I get from a 1000lb cow

    How much meat will I get from a 1000lb Holstein Steer?? And how much is that meat worth?
  2. M

    Calf Prices!

    Thank you!! Lot's of help. I might keep him for a bit longer so I can get a better profit out of him.
  3. M

    Calf Prices!

    Hi, I am raising holstein bull calves and am giving some meat to a neighbour and was wondering how much someone would charge for the full calf (8 months old)
  4. M

    Cow with odd lump on leg

    Holstein cow has had this lump on her leg for years. When You remove it, it comes back. The vet came in and didn’t know what it was. Anyone have any ideas? Check out the picture. Thanks