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  1. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    She attacked the other chickens when they came near her.
  2. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  3. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  4. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    They’re gorgeous!
  5. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    How many hatched? 6?
  6. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Oh. I forgot. They’re your old line right?
  7. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    That’s true. It’s for the best.
  8. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Got a picture? I thought some were cross breeds. :idunno
  9. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Not Cadbury! She’s blue!
  10. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    So will you be keeping Dandy if you get a drake out of this batch?
  11. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    I’m going to pick up my grandmother. I’ll catch you guys later. :frow
  12. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

  13. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Yup they’re super cute!
  14. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    I have a few names for them. Yes they will all be given girls names. :fl For 6 pullets. We have Tessa, Jenny, Natalie, & Natasha so far.
  15. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    The chicks with Charlotte :love
  16. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    Yup the eggs should be hatching tomorrow. I haven’t heard any peeps yet.
  17. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    The daylily opened even more.
  18. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....

    But no blue daylilies :( Yup. I wanted you to see my police man story.
  19. Brahma Chicken 5000

    Duck Chat withdrawal ....
