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  1. S

    Auction house goat: What chance she bred?

    We went and bought a female at one of the local auctions in VA. We bought a beautiful girl that will hopefully breed to our buck. My biggest concern is they put ALL the goats together, and if it breathed it was mated. So I'm more then positive someone or something tried to mate with her several...
  2. S

    Who all could be in the same pasture?

    I was wondering if a person could keep the following animals all in the same pen arrangement and be relatively happy? We know the goat and chickens do well together. How will adding a few pigs change the dynamics? We would rotate them throughout the land with an electric fence. Would the...
  3. S

    Rabbits, which one turns a profit?

    Hello everyone, So I'm interested in getting into rabbits, but im not sure which direction to go. I've seen live rabbits go for about 15$ at auction and have had a lady tell me her Tennessee Red backs are her cash crop. I don't think i'm overly interested in raising rabbits for meat, unless...
  4. S

    Hello for Henry County VA

    Hello, my name is September, We just started to homestead this year! So far we have too many birds(chickens, ducks, turkeys, guineas) to count, and a goat (hopefully another soon). We started this adventure after almost 15 years living here. Its a joint venture with my parents and my husband...