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    Breeding dwarfs

    Hi! We have three Nigerian dwarf goats, all related, two castrated boys and one little doe. I weighed her this morning, she is 60 pounds and she is three years old. I was told to wait until two years old to breed her. We were planning on doing that this year. Now I have people telling me that...
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    I have a 2 year old very small Nigerian dwarf goat. She is in with two wethers. They’re all just pets. The boys sometimes act possessive of her and try to mount her , but they are definitely castrated. I was looking at her a few days ago and reloaded she’s got a bag. Today I caught her and sure...
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    Bier goat with dwarfs

    We have three dwarf goats, and we just got a baby Boer goat who is very friendly, eight months it ok to keep the together?
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    Mucus and blood in dwarf goat poo

    our 6 month old Nigerian dwarf wether pooped on my deck this morning and I noticed white mucus in the tips of his poo pellets with streaks of blood. Happy and eating. Any suggestions??
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    Protection from horns?

    I’m looking for ideas to protect my little girls and the goats from each other‘s horns! I’ve tried wrapping small tennis balls on with gorilla tape, and then finally just wrapped gorilla tape around and around until they were not so sharp and pointy. What is everybody else done? Any ideas...
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    So they finally fell off at 7 weeks! Thanks for all the info!
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    That’s what I’m afraid of, I know that they obviously aren’t getting blood anymore but worried if I cut I might hurt them worse than they are. It’s gotta come off soon right?! Any harm in them taking 2 months to come off?
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    It will be six weeks this Saturday and they honestly still feel pretty connected, They have disconnected from the skin the whole way around, But the middle part is still hanging on. They are hard as a rock and dried out. I have been using nitrofurazone from the vet. Would just using a razor to...
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    Thank you so much! Yes I definitely will post pics, we are completely in love with them ☺️
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    And can I just spray a bit of hydrogen peroxide on these little sores?
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    When do dwarf goats sacs fall off after banding?

    hi, we’re new to goats and we banded two little guys about a month ago. Their ball sacs are hard as rocks, and they are starting to detach, but there is open wounds around the Tops of the bands. Only on the fronts of both i believe. Not huge sores, just if I pull them back slightly I can see...