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  1. G

    Can you register with scurs?

    He is a nigerian dwarf. I am just going to register him, and I already have a few buyers for him!
  2. G

    Can you register with scurs?

    I looked on ADGA's website to see but I didn't find anything helpful. So I'll probably just call them. Thanks for the info!
  3. G

    Can you register with scurs?

    Our wonderful buck from champion lines has about 3 inch long scurs. Hes was disbudded. We really want to register him because he has such wonderful potential but if not, we don't want his value to go down. Thanks
  4. G

    Goat tattoo is wrong

    We fixed it and just told the lady that bought one of the other girls that had the other 2 tattoo and she was totally fine with it and was really understanding, she said that she might not register her so it probably won't be a problem. For the other buyer we brought her a new pedigree and told...
  5. G

    Lamb with severely curved spine

    So cute! Hope she grows out of that spine curvature
  6. G

    Goat tattoo is wrong

    We had a lady that had been raising milk goats for a few years come out to tattoo our kids. First of all, she argued with us that for the ADGA tattoo that you put the number on the kids ear as the number of goat kids the mother had her whole life, not the number of kids born that year. We are so...
  7. G

    Did our goat break her leg??

    She is doing fine, as we took her to the vet. The vet said that she had just a soft tissue injury. She was on some meds for a few weeks but now is perfectly fine.
  8. G

    Did our goat break her leg??

    A few days ago we saw that our milking doe wasn't quite walking strait she had a bit of a limp on her back left leg but nothing to serious. But this morning I noticed it got worse and now she won't put much weight on it at all. It makes it very hard for us to milk her. We checked her hoof and it...
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    She seems pretty fine now. We drove her over to our goat mentor and they washed her head and it was just a small little cut. This is the 3rd time she had tried to kill her self, lol:rolleyes:
  10. G


    This morning we came outside to bottle feed our 2 week old nigerian dwarf kids and while we were feeding our other kids one of our doeling snagged her head and ripped open her wound on her freshly disbudded head. She started gushing blood and we ran to our milking parlor and grabbed a paper...
  11. G

    Goats!! Vote on my Poll!

    HEY! I am going to be making polls every week. Pick which answer you think best applies to you then write something in the comments. Thanks for checking this out! BTW this poll will end in 7 days! PSI love floppy eared goats like Nubians.
  12. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    The butcher called us and he was 215lbs and we will take home about 120lbs of meat if I remember correctly.:hide
  13. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    He had a very large pen so he has his own potty corner so he didn't eat his feces.
  14. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    He had no females around him or remotely near him. This is our first time and we are still learning.
  15. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    My hubby can really taste taints in meat. We ordered half a hog from a guy near us and he said that every time I cook it up it stinks up the whole house and it tastes awful but I can't taste anything or smell anything. I think that the pig we got was an old male that was used for breeding or...
  16. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    Yup! This time we might sign our daughter up for 4H.
  17. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    We got him loaded up with no problems, a lot of squealing though. He is at the butcher and they are probably hanging him now. He was a small pig because when our neighbor gave him to us he was already too big to be castrated and we didn't want his meat to get tainted.
  18. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    820lbs WHAT! THAT IS SO GIGANTIC! I didn't even know that they could get that big without having like a heart attack or something.
  19. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    Sounds great! We got the trailer yesterday and backed it up right next to his pen so he could see it and get used to it. Also boiled 3 dozen eggs yesterday so it would be great to get a few eggs out of the fridge 😏 we will always have a problem with too many eggs.
  20. G

    Do you feed pigs on the day of butcher?

    I just had this question. We don't feed our Cornish X on the day of butcher so does that apply to our feeder pig? Tomorrow he is going to the butcher so we would like to know if we should still feed him tomorrow?