Search results

  1. HerdQueen

    I like your pfp! I raised some piggies a few years ago and loved them:love

    I like your pfp! I raised some piggies a few years ago and loved them:love
  2. HerdQueen

    A Beginners Guide to Breeding and Birthing Goats

    Oh my:lol: They're great! Fern is such a pretty name but her name is actually Spruce😢. She threw a hoof into my milk yesterday which was kid of her😇😒
  3. HerdQueen

    ISO unwanted bucks

    Ahh yes I meant to do that yesterday. Thanks Alaskan!
  4. HerdQueen

    Oh geesh! Yeah we do!! That's crazy😄

    Oh geesh! Yeah we do!! That's crazy😄
  5. HerdQueen

    ISO unwanted bucks

    Yeah I know it! Thank you for tagging them!
  6. HerdQueen


  7. HerdQueen

    A Beginners Guide to Breeding and Birthing Goats

    Nice article! I love how short and to the point it is! What a nice change from other articles where you are scrolling through gobs and gobs of words just to find the good info. I appreciated the touch of humor too😅!
  8. HerdQueen

    ISO unwanted bucks

    I am looking for a buddy of my Dads who is wanting to buy 2 bucks. He is located near Fairbanks Alaska. I don't think he cares what breed he just wants something that will mow down his yard. He also probably isn't looking to spend too much. Thanks in advance😁🐐
  9. HerdQueen

    It was great! Super fun. I got to hang out with my new niece🥰

    It was great! Super fun. I got to hang out with my new niece🥰
  10. HerdQueen

    Ahh my response didn't go through🤦‍♀️. A Jenny is a female Turkey under 1 year old. And that's...

    Ahh my response didn't go through🤦‍♀️. A Jenny is a female Turkey under 1 year old. And that's also her name😂. She is a Blue Slate/Standard Bronze!😁
  11. HerdQueen

    Hi Nabs!

    Hi Nabs!
  12. HerdQueen

    What are you up to?

    What are you up to?
  13. HerdQueen

    Hi Pat:ya

    Hi Pat:ya
  14. HerdQueen

    Hi Lettie!

    Hi Lettie!
  15. HerdQueen

    Hi Birb! Its Mamapoult!

    Hi Birb! Its Mamapoult!
  16. HerdQueen

    Hi been off awhile! I'm great how about yourself?

    Hi been off awhile! I'm great how about yourself?
  17. HerdQueen

    Oh man! That sounds cool!! We had to butcher our turkey jake yesterday since he tried to murder...

    Oh man! That sounds cool!! We had to butcher our turkey jake yesterday since he tried to murder my Jenny😕. But hey we got Thanksgiving covered😂. He decided to flop around in a mud puddle after my brother and Dad took him out. It was nasty🤣
  18. HerdQueen

    Pamps hi!!!!!! Following you back🤣

    Pamps hi!!!!!! Following you back🤣
  19. HerdQueen

    Oh good just chilling right now. How about you??

    Oh good just chilling right now. How about you??
  20. HerdQueen

    Thanks addict!

    Thanks addict!