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  1. F

    9 week old goat

    She passed yesterday 😭 our other goat has not stopped yelling since 😔 we really thought she was going to pull through, she looked like she was doing so much better.
  2. F

    9 week old goat

    She is still weak, but alive and no neck curling or muscle spasms. She has been walking around and drinking water on her own, she does munch on grass and hay, but not much. Still giving milk every couple hours and vitamins once a day. Still giving the pro pectalin the vet prescribed because...
  3. F

    9 week old goat

    She hasn’t has any neck curling today and has walked around and ate grass and drank water on her own. Still giving milk replacer. She seemed to have more energy today, even tried running from me when she was over me giving her vitamins. Not 100% but a big improvement from yesterday.
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    9 week old goat

    Update in case anyone is following or this happens to them: This morning she is doing better. Went out about 4:30 am to check on her, she was standing looking around NOT curled up. Fed an oz of milk and a squirt of nutri drench. She drank a little water on her own and was sniffing at the hay. No...
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    9 week old goat

    Update: she is not doing good. Neck curled back and if she tries to walk she just tips over. It’s so sad. Called the vet he said to give her milk 1 oz every hour. Went and picked up nutri-drench, and some b-complex along with the milk. After the nutri drench she walked a bit around and drank...
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    9 week old goat

    Last night after I posted she ate a bit more feed and passed stool. It was ALMOST normal. There were pellets that formed, they were just a tad bigger and lighter in color than normal. She is still acting not great. She is chomping on grass right now, but still looks like she is hurting. Constant...
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    9 week old goat

    Forgot to mention vet said to call back Tuesday and report how she is doing. Possibly wants her to come back, but will she be okay until then!? 😩
  8. F

    9 week old goat

    We got a young kid 3 days ago. She is a Nigerian dwarf. She was standing aback from the herd and the owner said she’s always been like that. I ended up taking her home anyway, we took her to the vet yesterday as I could tell she wasn’t feeling well but she was still eating and drinking. She...