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  1. Southdown

    Causes of limping

    What could be some causes of limping? Suffolk ewe is limping. Hooves are great, repeatedly checked and trimmed, nithing wrong. No swelling I can detect. The CD&t shot in the armpit has a firm mass ( a problem I always have, they don't go away). Are there any diseases I should be aware of...
  2. Southdown

    What is this on my ram lamb? Bumps on face!

    Born Arpil 21st, 2018. Ram lamb. I just noticed these yesterday. I'm totally freaked out! He is inbred (Ram was bred to daughter).
  3. Southdown

    Dosage of Horse Wormer for sheep

    I don't enjoy doing the liquid drenches because I always worry I'm squirting it down their lungs. I killed a chicken once doing that. I try to pause to let them swallow it gradually, but they fight it so much and I just don't want to risk causing pneumonia or something. I've switched between...
  4. Southdown

    Swollen Shoulder

    There aren't any large vet clinics around here except for the one I took him to. I could take him back to the same place, but pay to see the other vet or I could pay to have a different vet come out to the farm to look at him.
  5. Southdown

    Dosage of Horse Wormer for sheep

    Has anyone used Ivermectin horse paste wormer for sheep? If so, what are the dosages? I really hate using a liquid wormer on my sheep and I would like to find an alternative, such as a paste. Anyone know of any good wormers other than a liquid drench for sheep?
  6. Southdown

    Swollen Shoulder

    My ram's shoulder is swollen and he will not put weight on it. It is hard like bone and large. When he holds it up, it looks like it's going in and out of the socket and the knee dangles. It's hard to describe, but he keeps it held up. He started with a limp about two years ago and we always...
  7. Southdown

    Tail banding gone wrong?

    Admittedly, I never knew I was supposed to feel for vertebrae and try to get in between them with the band. Is it difficult to feel for the vertebrae? I just attributed it to her extra thick/meaty tail compared to most lambs. She is up and moving around more today, but the tail is quite gooey...
  8. Southdown

    Tail banding gone wrong?

    We always dock our lambs tails with the elastrator method (not too short, not too long) and normally the lambs will display pain for a good two days and then they start to feel better and resume being normal lambs. They will often bite at their tails for the next three weeks, but no profound...
  9. Southdown

    Fleece Rot--anyone had or treated it?

    I've recently tired bathing with dreft detergent for newborns and it seems to be improving. Then I shear when it grows out. We'll see.
  10. Southdown

    Can you treat for bloat as a preventive?

    I just lost two sheep tonight to bloat. Is it ok to treat the other sheep as a preventive even if they aren't showing signs? I'm going to give them: 1/2 c water 1/2 c mineral oil 2 T baking soda A dash of liquid pepto bismol With a drench gun. I'm in a hurry because I don't want the...
  11. Southdown

    Fleece Rot--anyone had or treated it?

    I've sheared, I've given antibiotics, and sprayed with iodine. No improvements.
  12. Southdown

    Fleece Rot--anyone had or treated it?

    Does anyone have any experience with fleece rot and how to treat it?
  13. Southdown

    Abscess or Hemorrhoid? Not sure what's going on.

    It's post shearing. I even took a small scissors and trimmed away what I could. The wool is very wet, gummy, and matted up. I try to pull it away from the skin to trim under it, but it's so gummy. I can't shear it off either. It's as short as I can go without cutting into skin. I tried...
  14. Southdown

    Abscess or Hemorrhoid? Not sure what's going on.

    *Graphic Photo* This ewe is swollen on the left side of her vulva. It appears to be gray-blue in color, possibly pus (not really sure). It is not a well demarcated area like a typical abscess would be, rather, it's large at the top and travels downward a ways. I don't believe I should...
  15. Southdown

    Lump on top of neck

    It refilled some now. Argh.
  16. Southdown

    Lump on top of neck

    I lanced it tonight and squeezed out a black, tarry, thick substance. I was able to squeeze hard and almost completely deflate the thing. Is it a hematoma? Hubby thinks the black tarry stuff is dried blood. I'm not sure. It's definitely not pus anyway. It was very thick and hard to squeeze...
  17. Southdown

    Lump on top of neck

    After shearing my Suffolk ewe, I felt a lump on the top of her neck. It's located right where the wool starts on the top of the neck. I don't believe it's an abscess, it seem too firm. I'm not too worried about it, but yet I'm wondering what it is.
  18. Southdown

    Loving sheep now headbutting me!

    Would someone explain the water squirting idea to me. I'm ready to try this on my problem wether right now. He's getting worse and even the other sheep are sick of him.
  19. Southdown

    Loving sheep now headbutting me!

    I'm dealing with this right now with a wether. Shoving him back only seems to exacerbate the situation, as he wants to keep fighting even worse. So that's a bad idea. I tried yelling "No," which had little effect (other than to scare the rest of the flock watching in fear). So then I decided...
  20. Southdown

    Young Lamb with Strange Hooves

    Interesting, I've never seen this. I did have a yearling ram with poor hooves, but it wasn't like this either. I would give it time, as someone else mentioned, you would think it will grow out eventually and get trimmed off.