Search results

  1. FarmerChick

    Goat Buying--How To

    Lets start a thread about what to look for when buying. Tip 1 from me is check those knees if buying an older goat. If the knee is heavily calloused, then check the hooves very very carefully. Good chance that goat had laminitis/founder and walking on the knees to relieve pain is a sure...
  2. FarmerChick

    Goats and Ice

    OMG my herd is beside themselves....walking on ice in the fields is driving them to watch the antics. got the slipping and sliding all over.
  3. FarmerChick

    Determining age of goats

    just some tooth info...LOL from my tennessee meat goat website I love to browse. DETERMINING THE AGE OF A GOAT Determining the age of a goat is easy to do for the first few years of its life. The procedure is called toothing a goat. A goat has no teeth in the upper front of its mouth, but it...
  4. FarmerChick

    Mastitis Info

    just some basic info on the board. Mastitis is essentially an infected udder. Does of all goat breeds can contract mastitis, but it is more often seen in heavy milkers. Since bacteria that cause mastitis enter the udder through the teats, the cleanliness of pens and feeding areas has a...
  5. FarmerChick

    Goats per Acre

    Good little article to read. just passing along. HOW MANY GOATS PER ACRE? Asking the wrong questions about stocking rates A critical part of raising livestock is establishing correct stocking rates. For cattle and some other species of livestock, stocking rates are based upon how many head...
  6. FarmerChick

    Cull your Herd

    Here is an article I like....makes you truly think about what is to be culled and what characteristics you want to continue to breed, etc. just throwing it out.... CULLING IN A MEAT-GOAT HERD "Healthy," "hardy," and "adaptable" are adjectives that must be descriptive of goats in a meat-goat...
  7. FarmerChick

    How Big is the Herd?

    How big is your herd? Curious for those on the board? I was up to 120 Boer does...breeding for meat over the years as an actual working farm business. Was going to increase but realized I was getting older and more tired of hard farm work so instead went to downgrading. Down to 70 for a...
  8. FarmerChick


    HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL hope you enjoy your day!!!